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  • Picture 1.jpg
    Picture 1.jpg
    51.3 KB · Views: 97
I modified it a bit to give out trebuchet ms. If trebuchet ms isnt installed, Youll get some nice Helvetica action.

jjavascript:(function(){c=document.createElement("style");c.type="text/css";if(c.styleSheet){c.styleSheet.cssText="*{font-family:\"trebuchet ms\",\"Helvetica Neue\",sans-serif !important;}";}else{c.appendChild(document.createTextNode("* { font-family:\"trebuchet ms\",\"Helvetica Neue\",sans-serif !important;}"));}document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(c);var f = document.getElementsByTagName("font");if(f.length>0){for(var i in f){"\"Comic Sans MS\",\"Comic Sans\",sans-serif";}} return;})()

somehow, bookmark that
So you guys are saying you'd like this bit of javascript automatically enabled in the design forum? We'll be sure to bring it up! ;)

SWEET. While we're redesigning the design forum, let's go ahead and set all User Details up in Papyrus and just let Comic Sans handle the content of the post. And maybe we can work Sand in for quoted posts.

Nothing classes up a design like Papyrus.
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