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macrumors regular
Original poster
Feb 5, 2013
Every time I plug the external HDD (2TB- ExFat), spotlight indexing it again and I can't search files inside it.
I added the HDD to the spotlight privacy list and then I removed it and waited for it to finish indexing, but each time I unplug it and then plug again it starts again the indexing.
Any solution?
My solution to unwanted spotlight indexing was to COMPLETELY DISABLE spotlight with this terminal command:
sudo mdutil -a -i off

Or, you might try this command which (at least in earlier versions of the OS) stopped indexing of all volumes:
sudo defaults write /.Spotlight-V100/VolumeConfiguration Exclusions -array "/Volumes"

With spotlight disabled, I use the following two free apps for searches:
- EasyFind
- Find Any File
But i don't want disable spotlight, I want spotlight do a full indexing 1 time (only 1 time) and don't every time plug in.
I don't have an answer, but I see it being discussed other places like here and here.

Could be eXFAT related, but that's just a hunch. You might also copy your data and reformat again. Did it get formatted on a Mac, or Win box?
I formatted it with the MacBook. I'll try reformating it.
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