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Original poster
Jun 6, 2022
Check out this from Apple UK, almost 3 quarters of reviewers think it’s terrible yet I hear nothing but praise for Apple everywhere I go. So what’s going on? Could this be the slippery slope to the companies demise? With workers also petitioning to refuse to go back to work , Apple are in big trouble right now especially seeing the latest M2 air sales have been poor


macrumors 6502
Mar 13, 2020
(a) Do these reviews just talk about how bad the Apple products are .. or .. (b) are they comparison reviews that discuss how bad Apple products are in comparison with other products that do much the same thing?

There are always the naysayers (a) that speak for no other reason than to be heard. There are lots of those around who talk of slippery slopes, company demise, worker rebellions, low sales volume, and the like.

But serious reviews that fall into category (b) are pretty rare. I suspect it's much the same in the U.K.
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macrumors 68040
Apr 7, 2008
Flea Bottom, King's Landing
Apple UK. That explains a lot, especially since the OS places English USA as the default English instead of English UK.😁😁😁 Completely understandable why they'd be upset. It's like how some of my friends mistaken General Tsao for real Chinese cuisine.😑😑😑
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