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How's your new iMac?

  • I have an 21.5'' iMac myself, which does certainly not work properly.

    Votes: 6 7.8%
  • I have an 21.5'' iMac, which totally works like it should.

    Votes: 23 29.9%
  • I have an 27'' iMac myself, which does certainly not work properly.

    Votes: 14 18.2%
  • I have an 27'' iMac, which totally works like it should.

    Votes: 34 44.2%

  • Total voters


macrumors regular
Original poster
Nov 4, 2008
Yea, I know it's kinda copied from the other thread but I was just thinking about it, and this way we might get a bit of an idea how the new iMacs work...

Please, everyone with a 21.5'' or 27'' iMac, all vote!


I think it is a great idea. Got mine Wed and was really worried about all the complaints. Didn't hear much positive. This way we see both sides.

I think people come on forums like this when their machine shows problem.
so i'm guessing poll's gonna be biased to negative responses.
My 27" put up 50% system CPU usage after about 20 mins of use. Have to re-boot to get it back down :-(
I think people come on forums like this when their machine shows problem.
so i'm guessing poll's gonna be biased to negative responses.

Yea I know.

It won't be 100% reliable. But people also come here because the like to read Apple-news, want to color their MacBook Apple logo, fix their old iPod etc., so not everyone on this forum is fighting with their new Mac.. :)

So I think I gives just a bit of an idea.

And ofcourse, the more voters the better.
I have a 27" iMac that, as soon as Apple will ship the ***** thing I cant wait to tell you how great it is. And if it has problems, I'm sure you will hear from me too!
The problems some new iMacs seem to have, will they be gone in January? :)

Don't know how quick Apple usually is with this stuff, but I'd like to have an iMac without problems (if I would, I would select ''problems (pre-installed)'' when configuring my iMac, Apple ;) ).
Mine's been awesome but I just websurf, email and type word docs. That's it. Nothing slow here. It's faster than a banshee, whatever that is. I've never used a computer this fast. I can't believe how happy I am with mine. It's sad that others, aren't. I'm waiting for mine to have a problem but so far, it's ALL good. We're up to 59% happy right now in the poll. I'm 101% happy. Just wish the delete key wasn't as hard to use as it is, compared to a PC. I have to hit fn and then delete to delete something in front of it. WHY? This isn't that user friendly a function. But in the end, I'm getting used to it.
The problems some new iMacs seem to have, will they be gone in January? :)

Don't know how quick Apple usually is with this stuff, but I'd like to have an iMac without problems (if I would, I would select ''problems (pre-installed)'' when configuring my iMac, Apple ;) ).

19 to 7....

That's like over 1/3 of people having problems (37% to be more precise).

That's not very good.

I'm willing to bet $100 bucks it'll be fixed in 2 weeks though.
yea, but we don't have enough votes to take a good conclusion yet.

It's 26% now.. It still changes to much at every vote.
I voted to soon earlier...:mad: This is my 3rd 27" imac and everything was going fine untill I started playing with it today and played a dvd and about 45 mins into it the playback became very choppy and unplayable. I though that was weird and went to my dashboard and the dvd application was using 90% of my cpu? WTF? So I quit the dvd and started some normal browsing and everything was slow and choppy even looking at my dock was choppy. I am very irritated.
Bad poll. You're missing all the people who don't have problems who don't bother/aren't aware of sites like this. Polls like this always exaggerate the negative.
HD playback

I have issues with HD playback at Full screen. Doesn't take 45mins either. Everything else is fine. I think that it is a SL issue though. Have a m8 with a 24" with SL and he had issues. My old 24" without SL had no issues.
Bad poll. You're missing all the people who don't have problems who don't bother/aren't aware of sites like this. Polls like this always exaggerate the negative.

The results of this poll aren't 35 to 11 in the real world, they're 1,000,000 to 11!

Bad poll. You're missing all the people who don't have problems who don't bother/aren't aware of sites like this. Polls like this always exaggerate the negative.

Bad post, all you did was whinge and not contribute.

This is the best and most sensible way of getting the best picture of the ratio of good to dodgy iMacs. No explaining of problems or people trying to fight over how apple will fix it. Results based on whether people are happy with their expensive new computer or not.
I would be interested to know if people are actually returning their units? From some of the posts I ahev read people are staying put with thieir clearly defective machines
This is the best and most sensible way of getting the best picture of the ratio of good to dodgy iMacs.

No, it is a terrible way of trying to understand the extent of a problem. If you were versed in sampling and research design, you'd know that. You need a representative random sample to accurately gauge the incidence of iMac problems. That's not possible to obtain here. All you know from the poll at the top of this thread is: of the people who come to this site, who see the poll, and choose to participate, what percentage of them report a problem or not.

Virtually no one who buys an iMac comes to this site and votes in the poll. So how can the poll possibly be the most sensible way of getting the best picture of the ratio of good to dodgy iMacs?
No, it is a terrible way of trying to understand the extent of a problem. If you were versed in sampling and research design, you'd know that. You need a representative random sample to accurately gauge the incidence of iMac problems. That's not possible to obtain here.

Would you be able to write a program that incorporates itself into the OSX install on all the new 21.5" and 27" and somehow distribute it to them then? Cos that would help a lot more than bagging this thread.
Would you be able to write a program that incorporates itself into the OSX install on all the new 21.5" and 27" and somehow distribute it to them then? Cos that would help a lot more than bagging this thread.

I don't understand what you're trying to accomplish? If there's a problem, Apple will fix it. They always do.

There's no point in spreading misinformation and that's all a poll of this type can generate...misinformation. Some of the qualitative information in the thread is useful for understanding the nature (not the extent) of the problem, but the numbers at the top of the page can't possibly have any statistical validity.
I don't understand what you're trying to accomplish? If there's a problem, Apple will fix it. They always do.

There's no point in spreading misinformation and that's all a poll of this type can generate...misinformation. Some of the qualitative information in the thread is useful for understanding the nature (not the extent) of the problem, but the numbers at the top of the page can't possibly have any statistical validity.

That's a good point, but I still think this thread will give a very informative sample of iMac users. Considering most people who come looking for answers about their iMac on forums like these are not your 'average consumer', being someone who doesn't know or care why their computer is not working, but more 'power users', the sample will give a fairly accurate sample of how the average 'power user' would rate their new computer. Which is exactly the kind of info I want.

Btw, this has been a nice discussion. Glad it's not a flame war.....yet. :p
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