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macrumors 6502
Mar 17, 2005
I don't quite understand the question. The exact size of the image depends on the size you bought from iStockPhoto.

But if you want to know how large real polorids were well: there were lots and lots of sizes but the most popular was 3¼" x 4¼" (including border). That is the "standard" size.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 20, 2006
MacVille, USA
Thanks for the reply. No, the question has nothing to do with the image resolution in iStockphoto. Yes, I'm aware of the different sizes of Polaroids. I just want to know the real-life size of the image shown in that link. What's the dimension of both the white portion of the Polaroid and the image area.


macrumors 6502
Mar 17, 2005
You could do it yourself but...

  • the black is 255px x 220px
  • the white is 290px x 300px
  • the black is 15px from the top

and the rest you can calculate.
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