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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 9, 2017
Aichi-ken, Japan
I'm on the cusp of buying my first Apple device since the iPod Classic. I've never owned any kind of Mac device.
This Touch Bar thing really has me on the fence.
I'm leaning towards a Non-Touch Macbook Pro with custom 16GB of RAM but I went to the store today and saw the utility in the Touch model as well.. I also really like the idea of 4 USB-C ports. If I were to get a 16GB Touch model and decide later I can't stand it is it simple to just walk into the store (I live in Japan btw) and have them exchange it for a non-touch custom 16GB model? Is that allowed? Within what time frame?

I REALLY want a physical escape key but I HATE the function keys on laptops (including my x220 and just about every other laptop on earth now) so I *think* having the ability to customize those keys at the top would belay my lack of physical escape.... What say you all?


macrumors 68030
Nov 2, 2010
No u have to give it back within 14 or 30 days. Depends on country and is for every Apple product the same. I'm sure u can find this for japan online or call Apple.

Than u have to order a new MBP. Or just order both and give back the one u don't like.
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macrumors 68020
Jan 23, 2017
It sounds like the touchbar model, Better Touch Tool, and possibly the remapping of a physical key to act as the escape key is for you. I don't know anyone that uses the key below the escape key very often that makes the ~` - I don't even know what ~ is called. A tilday maybe? You could remap that key to act as your escape key, and then with BTT customize the touch bar to do more for your workflow than the physical function keys that do not seem to offer you much benefit.

PBG4 Dude

macrumors 601
Jul 6, 2007
~ is tilde. Mostly used in mathematics to mean “roughly” or “approximately”, like; “Your body temperature is ~37°C”. I find more use for the tilde than I do the angled apostrophe symbol “`” that shares the key with it.
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