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macrumors 6502
Original poster
May 28, 2006
Hi there.

I was wondering if there is any piece of software available that can create statistics out of images with exif data.

If my wirting doesn't make any sense, here is an example:

Let's say i have 500 photographs taken with different cameras and different settings.
Now i want to open the application and tell it to scan those 500 images.
After it finished it should give me statistics of the shutter speed, ISO, focal lenght, ... used.

Hope something like that exists.
Thank you for your time and have a nice day.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 13, 2004
Hi there.

I was wondering if there is any piece of software available that can create statistics out of images with exif data.

If my wirting doesn't make any sense, here is an example:

Let's say i have 500 photographs taken with different cameras and different settings.
Now i want to open the application and tell it to scan those 500 images.
After it finished it should give me statistics of the shutter speed, ISO, focal lenght, ... used.

Hope something like that exists.
Thank you for your time and have a nice day.

I don't know of any software like that, though, there are a couple of Perl modules available that read EXIF; shouldn't be too hard to create something like you're after....


macrumors 6502
Original poster
May 28, 2006
thank you for that information. It's good to know that there are some things out in the wild at least.

But here goes, i have never done anything with perl.

thanks anyway.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 19, 2004
Northeast, CT
Hi there.

I was wondering if there is any piece of software available that can create statistics out of images with exif data.

If my wirting doesn't make any sense, here is an example:

Let's say i have 500 photographs taken with different cameras and different settings.
Now i want to open the application and tell it to scan those 500 images.
After it finished it should give me statistics of the shutter speed, ISO, focal lenght, ... used.

Hope something like that exists.
Thank you for your time and have a nice day.

I believe lightroom does it, and a whole lot more. Don't use it personally so I'm not sure. Did see some posts on about it can get statistics about what lens and how often you use it so im sure it can also do that.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 19, 2004
Northeast, CT
Hi there.

I was wondering if there is any piece of software available that can create statistics out of images with exif data.

If my wirting doesn't make any sense, here is an example:

Let's say i have 500 photographs taken with different cameras and different settings.
Now i want to open the application and tell it to scan those 500 images.
After it finished it should give me statistics of the shutter speed, ISO, focal lenght, ... used.

Hope something like that exists.
Thank you for your time and have a nice day.

I believe lightroom does it, and a whole lot more. Don't use it personally so I'm not sure. Did see some posts on about it can get statistics about what lens and how often you use it so im sure it can also do that.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
May 28, 2006
i am a lightroom user and did not yet find that function/feature. but i'm going to investigate into that.
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