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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 17, 2009
Get the fast pace flying game eXp JET before the update. The update will be including better graphics, better game play, more power ups. The game is very addictive and will be 10 times more addictive after the update. With 3 levels of difficulty and insane speed

Will have a video of the updated app on YouTube soon so check it out and see if you can get to the one minute point or beyond
update on progress of exp jet

Updates just about ready*
New graphics
** * Flying over mountains and lakes, though and under clouds
** * New menues and instructions
** * Sharper images
More power ups
** * Extra points
** * Guns
** * Cloak
** * Emeny freeze
Whats left
** * More sound fx
** * More music
** * Will be ready to submit in about 3 days
** * Will be going up to $1.99 so get it now for $.99 before the update*
eXp JET 1.1 update has been submitted and waiting on review
new video and pics at
the price will remain $.99 for the first week then it will go up to $1.99 so get it while its on sale there are many more updates planed for the future

Or get eXp JET 1.0 now in the appstore
eXp Jet 2.0 in the making all new graphics better, game play, no more gamesalad, alot more fun, openfeint, facebook, and the return of tilt controls stay tuned for the video coming soon
umm your not supposed to bump your own thread (just saying) 7 post all from you well now me. good luck

First of all thanks for the luck
Second none of my post were intended to be bumps they were legitament post updating ppl about my app besides it's not my fault no one posted on my thread until now (just saying)
And macrumors says not to make multiple threads about the same game ( just saying again)
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