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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Mar 2, 2009
Waterloo & Georgian Bay, Canada
I have an iMac with an Apple Cinema Display connected. Therefore I have no open port to connect to my 37" Panasonic LCD.

I"m trying to find a way to play divx movies on my TV that are stored on the iMac.

The TV has HDMI ports. Would I buy a 'media router', such as the D-Link DSM-750? Then simply plug the TV's HDMI port into the D-Link? (I'm not network savvy at all.) Sounds simple enough if that's the case....

Or the DSM 330? Or maybe the SlingCatcher by Sling Media?

Are there any better ways, or better products that I can use to play divx files (wirelessly) to my TV?

Also, I'm using an Apple Airport Extreme Time Capsule, would the D-Link replace this or could I (easily) hook it up to my Apple router?

(I think I posted this in the wrong forum before, sorry for the double post).
Apple TV w/ Boxee installed sounds about right to me...The Apple TV would communicate with whatever you store on your Time Capsule AND/OR iMac. It's pretty simple.
It's not Apple TV I'm trying to set up.

I"m trying to find a way to play divx movies on my TV that are stored on the iMac

...and he wasn't telling you how to setup ATV. He was suggesting a solution to your problem.

You can't just beam DivX files at a TV (via wireless or ethernet) and expect it to work. You need something on the TV side to decode it so your TV can display it (ie. ATV, PS3, etc.). It needs some kind of box (that is if your TV doesn't have built-in networking/multimedia capabilities.)

Check your receiver, or your Blu-ray/DVD player, they may have some kind of networking built-in. Other than these suggestions, you'll "something" plugged into your TV that will accept (and decode) the DivX files you send over from your iMac.

Bada-bing Bada-boom... that's it in a nut shell.

Please refer to my OP, it already references the points you mention.

Connect something to TV? Yes, I've thought about the D-Link or Sling Catcher.

I don't know much rather, anything about Apple TV except that I've read it may discontinued because people have been waiting years for a new version and that it's difficult to playback .avi and divx files - the very files I'm looking to play.
Please refer to my OP, it already references the points you mention.

Connect something to TV? Yes, I've thought about the D-Link or Sling Catcher.

I don't know much rather, anything about Apple TV except that I've read it may discontinued because people have been waiting years for a new version and that it's difficult to playback .avi and divx files - the very files I'm looking to play.

Well if the D-Link or the Sling Catcher have decoding capabilities, then there you go. As for the ATV being discontinued... I don't see it. It maybe upgraded, but not discontinued. As for difficulty in using it to play DivX/Avi... I do it every night via XBMC (not a big fan of Boxee). As for setting it up... all you need is a flash stick, and I little bit of time.

But to each his/her own.

Good luck in your future endeavors. ;)
See how much of a dumb-ass I can be :eek:

I'm still too much from the pc world... (our conversation to 'everything mac' is very recent) ... I searched and read all weekend ... looked at SlingCatcher, D-Link 330, and the Linksys Media Center ... never even thought of looking at ATV, LOL.

Then I read about ATV and it seems to be exactly what I'm looking for. I've just returned home from Best Buy with the 160gb version. Just about to set it up now, and then search/learn how to play avi files.

Thanks again!
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