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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Mar 7, 2006
I decided to set up this thread for you to post your pictures with increased exposure. I got the idea from watching an old episode of casulty on UKTV Gold last week and there are loads of photos of over exposed cities.
Post your favourites.

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
I was playing with a new lens and first shot under dim lighting conditions, then moved on to shoot under brighter light -- forgetting that I had kicked up the ISO!! Oops.... Talk about your high-key exposure -- LOL!! This is my cat sitting between the vertical blinds and the window, gazing out...


Fortunately I realized my error as soon as I "chimped" and quickly corrected things so that the next picture came out like this:


Over Achiever

macrumors 68000
®îçhå®? said:
Is it possible for you to upload the photo as the link takes us NOWHERE
You have to copy and paste Geocities links.

I resaved the images to lower quality so I can upload it to imageshack, then I said what the heck, stuck it in iPhoto and decreased the exposure 100% o:


PS - The pictures are off my computer now.
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