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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Dec 15, 2013
warwickshire england
hi I'm having this problem ext hard drive not showing contents after start up the drive mounts etc got the drive showing on the desktop right lick get info shows the volume etc but no files i turn the drive off back on again they reappear like magic anyone know whats wrong please used to work fine until a couple of weeks ago.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Dec 15, 2013
warwickshire england
ran disc utility repair found an error code 8 etc . booted safe mode ran again all clear rebooted and he external drive working fine again any ideas what could have caused this ?


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Dec 15, 2013
warwickshire england
ran disc utility repair found an error code 8 etc . booted safe mode ran again all clear rebooted and he external drive working fine again any ideas what could have caused this ?
Well back to square one cold start the drive mounts but files not showing again any ideas anyone is my drive about to fail ?.


macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009
Before you replace the drive, I'd try this:

1. First, you'll need to backup the contents of the drive to a SECOND drive (temporarily).
2. Then, re-initialize the drive using Disk Utility
3. Now, run DU's "Repair Disk" function on the [empty] drive.
4. Do you get "a good report"?
5. If you do, REPEAT the Repair Disk function FIVE TIMES in succession.
6. Do you get a good report each and every time?
7. If so, I'd restore the data and keep using it. Sometimes a drive develops directory problems that a re-initialization will clear out.

If you're still unsure, keep a SECOND COPY of the most important data stored somewhere else, as well.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Dec 15, 2013
warwickshire england
Before you replace the drive, I'd try this:

1. First, you'll need to backup the contents of the drive to a SECOND drive (temporarily).
2. Then, re-initialize the drive using Disk Utility
3. Now, run DU's "Repair Disk" function on the [empty] drive.
4. Do you get "a good report"?
5. If you do, REPEAT the Repair Disk function FIVE TIMES in succession.
6. Do you get a good report each and every time?
7. If so, I'd restore the data and keep using it. Sometimes a drive develops directory problems that a re-initialization will clear out.

If you're still unsure, keep a SECOND COPY of the most important data stored somewhere else, as well.
its only from a cold boot once i turn the h/d off back on it remounts and all files show I've ran disutility on it and it comes back ok many times
[doublepost=1485711124][/doublepost]Its like finder is not showing the contents
Btw the thunderbolt drives with two inputs would that work with my mac mini 2012 i use display port to connect my monitor atm if i get one with teo ports can I connect the drive to the mini then monitor to the thunderbolt drive ?.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Dec 15, 2013
warwickshire england
Before you replace the drive, I'd try this:

1. First, you'll need to backup the contents of the drive to a SECOND drive (temporarily).
2. Then, re-initialize the drive using Disk Utility
3. Now, run DU's "Repair Disk" function on the [empty] drive.
4. Do you get "a good report"?
5. If you do, REPEAT the Repair Disk function FIVE TIMES in succession.
6. Do you get a good report each and every time?
7. If so, I'd restore the data and keep using it. Sometimes a drive develops directory problems that a re-initialization will clear out.

If you're still unsure, keep a SECOND COPY of the most important data stored somewhere else, as well.
don't have spare drive to format it but ran disk utility five times came back ok each time
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