Portfolio gripe
I have a major beef with Extensis.
Portfolio has been a bread and butter application for the Art Department I support. Portfolio worked beautifully up until version 5.1. All subsequent version have a problem.
We have 30,000 images that reside on network. The artist search the Portfolio image catalog by doing keyword or file name searches. When they search for file names that don't exist in the library, it takes 2 to 3 minutes for Portfolio to return a blank gallery. All versions 5.1 and earlier return a blank gallery in about a second. The artist find this 2 to 3 minute search time unacceptable. I agree.
I emailed Extensis support and they never responded. When I got a courtesy call from my account manager I gave her an ear full. She transferred me to their support technician. After talking to him for about a half hour, I decided that I knew more about the application than he did. Their final recommendation was to purchase Portfolio server. Thanks a lot. I had just spent $1,500 on the Portfolio 6 upgrade and installed it on all of the user desktops. It took me 2 days to create a new catalog (much pain) and they were recommending that I turn around and buy the $3,500 the server version.
The problems with Portfolio is a major reason I haven't been able to upgrade my user to OS X. I downloaded and tested every version of Portfolio since version 6 and they have all had the same problem. I am now backed into a corner. We are upgrading our hardware and my choices are to run Portfolio 5.1 in Classic or live with the problems that Portfolio has.
I just downloaded Portfolio 8 demo and the server version. I'll be testing both next week. If the results are acceptable, I'll retract my Portfolio diatribe. Otherwise, does anyone have a DAM recommendation? Canto Cumulus is not Apple scriptable, so it is not a consideration.