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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 4, 2017
Hi! I'm having issues with my 2016 13" Macbook Pro (w/touchbar), and I'm hoping someone here might have ideas.

Whenever I plug it into a display higher than 1080p, it flickers:
(I only have three displays that work, and the one that works is 1080p, while the others are 2560x1440 and 4k).

It happens regardless of how I connect the screens. It flickers when I connect my 4k TV via a CableMatters USB-C -> HDMI adaptor, and when I connect to my 2560x1440 Kogan 27" display by the same adaptor or by a (non-cablematters) USB-C -> DisplayPort cable, which leads me to believe it's not the adaptor/cable themselves.

I took it into an Apple store last week, and we couldn't reproduce the issue with the displays there, which were 5k LG Thunderbolt 3 displays. This makes me think it's an issue with the format conversion.

They took my laptop for further diagnostics, and also replaced the top case (keyboard, touchpad and battery) and display for other reasons - keyboard because of sticky keys (new one has the same issue!) and display because it was clicking while moving. They said they'd replace the logic board if they could reproduce the issue/find a fault through heavy diagnostics, but they couldn't, so the external display issue still remains.

I've also noticed a weird bug with the touchbar, where the touchbar turns off when it shouldn't, but the buttons themselves still work - i.e. touchbar turns off, but if I click where the volume button usually is on it, the volume button appears and functions, though the others don't. I can refresh it by pressing the arrow that displays a different set of buttons. Not sure if this is related.

Has anyone else had similar issues, or know how to fix them? I've obviously restarted numerous times, reset pram etc, but no luck.


Edit: Should also note that reducing the resolution of the displays doesn't help, neither does the number connected at the same time.


macrumors member
Aug 19, 2008
Yep, with no success, unfortunately

I have the same problem at the sudden 15" TB with USB-C to DVI connector i tried different connectors.

Update I think I have a bad DVI cable.. I swap the cable so far so good..

Update 2 no good :-(
Last edited:


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 4, 2017
Sorry it's happening to you too!

I found a friend who also has the same laptop, and tried my setup with hers, and she experienced the same issues :/ so it's either a macOS thing, or an issue with my cable/adapter. I don't think it's the latter, because both a different brands and different products.


macrumors member
Aug 19, 2008
I start to think it may be the monitor... I switched to my older monitor with the same cable and adaptors it does not flicker. However my windows laptop connect to both monitors just fine o_O... I will swap out problematic monitor in few days and try again.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 4, 2017
Yeah, it works for me on an older monitor, with a lower max resolution, but not on my other two monitors (one 4k, one 2560x1440). What are the resolutions of your monitors?

Edit: should add that my previous macbook pro (2013 retina) didn't have any issues on any of these screens.


macrumors member
Aug 19, 2008
The resolution is 1920x1200 for mine problematic monitor.. What strange is I had no issue with my 20167 MBP until few days ago.
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