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macrumors G4
Original poster
Jul 16, 2010
ny somewhere
i have 2 usb-powered external drives, connected to a (usb-powered) hub, connected to my 2015 macbook pro. power nap is off, 'wake for wifi access' is off... but periodically, the drives turn on, for a minute or so.

anyone know why this might be? and what to do about it (if anything)? just curious about why this happens.
i don't use time machine, and i definitely want them indexed in spotlight. does spotlight index when the mac is sleeping??
i'll check those links. again, i don't use time machine, it's not enabled... but thanks for the info.

EDIT: both those articles are out-dated, but will google a bit on my own.
Keep Drives Awake is off in Energy Saver too? Is the wording perhaps different like : Allow Drives to Sleep.

What I wrote above is not important - carry on.
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