I have 3 external hard drives attached to my Mac Studio via a USB 3 hub. These drives are repeatedly spinning down then spinning up. It's driving me crazy. Is there a way to prevent drive spinning down while the Mac Studio is in use?
Thanks, will check it out.Check in System Settings>Energy Saver and make sure "Put hard disks to sleep when possible" is off. If these HDD's are WD drives, you need to turn off sleep timer in the firmware with their own drive utility tool. You can get that here:
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Find detailed answers to your support questions for your Western Digital, SanDisk, WD_BLACK, or WD storage product.support-en.wd.com
What external hard drive make/model and what hub?I have 3 external hard drives attached to my Mac Studio via a USB 3 hub.
I have 3 external hard drives attached to my Mac Studio via a USB 3 hub. These drives are repeatedly spinning down then spinning up. It's driving me crazy. Is there a way to prevent drive spinning down while the Mac Studio is in use?
sudo pmset -a disksleep 0
sudo pmset -a sleep 0