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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 18, 2006
Alright so I have all my captured videos on my external drive but I can't delete anything on it, it says I don't have the previlages and it won't let me move anything around I can only copy files. Please someone help me out thank you.
Get info on the drive (context click/right click) or [Command]+ .

Then Ownership + Premissions--> set premissions, apply to enclosed items. What happens?

You might have to unlock premissions.

What did you use to capture the video. If you used a Windows computer, and the drive is not in FAT or UFS format, you might not be able to delete the information.
It says

You Can Only Read

And its NT Filesystem formate.
You captured the video on a Windows system.

You will be able to copy the video over to a Mac compatible file system (HFS,HFS+,AFS,UFS,FATn etc...) or network attached drive (NAS).

You will not be able to delete the video, unless you reformat the drive. Microsoft and Apple do not play well together. Both HFS and NTFS are proprietary formats, and each company hasn't allowed the world to write to their particular format freely.

There is debate as to what the most friendly and ubiquitous cross platform format is. For small drives it's FATn, for large drives I like UFS. I am not sure how your version Windows deals with UFS, so it may not be the best format.

I exptect others will chime in if I am wrong.
How can I reformate it so I can delete files off of it once I put everything back on it? Could I just back it all up on my other hard drive in my PC and then reformate it for a mac and transfer my files via my 20GB iPod from my Back uped captured video onto the iPod then onto my newly reformated mac external drive? I know it will take some time but if its the only way it can be done then I will do it like that.
That's a good way, but not the only one.

You could just delete the files useing your PC.

You could use a program like Mac Drive for Windows or for OS X... can't think of the name of the product (perhaps Dave by Thursby.

How often are you going to do this?
I will be using that external for all of m captured video and I make films all the time.
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