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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 18, 2017
Ok, so I bought a new iMac 27" 5k this week and a LaCie 2Big 6TB RAID to go along with it. So far everything's good. However, I noticed that the LaCie HD disappears whenever I shut down the computer and turn it back on. The HD goes to sleep when I turn off the computer (blue light goes off) and it powers up again as soon as I turn on the computer but then it doesn't show on either the desktop or the "devices" panel in finder. When I then turn the HD off and on again it appears on the desktop. Right now the HD is still empty and I formatted it as "Mac Extended Journaled" (no encryption). It's attached via the Thunderbolt 2 port.
What could be the problem?


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 18, 2017
I forgot to add: It does still show in Disk Utility and it only happens when I shut the iMac off, not when I put it in standby


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 18, 2017
Go into Finder Preferences and make sure 'Ext,ernal Disks' is selected.

I trust you do eject the drive correctly when you do get it on the desktop by using right click 'Eject' or dragging to ntheTrash.

Oh, I should've mentioned, that was the one thing that I already tried. External Disks is selected in the Finder preferences.

I do eject the disk properly when I unplug it or anything like that but not when I just power off the iMac and leave everything connected. Surely that's not necessary, right? I've never had to do that on any computer.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 18, 2017
If you power off your Mac I would eject, particularly if it is bus powered.

It's not bus powered, though. It's a RAID with two 3TB drives and I have set it to RAID 1 (in case that matters). I've never had this problem with any of my regular cheap external drives on my PC unless they were old and failing. However, I don't think in this case anything is broken because the "issue" can be perfectly recreated every time. I think maybe it has something to do with using thunderbolt. I guess I'll try USB3 and see if the problem is still there.
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