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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 29, 2008
Not sure if this is already discussed, but I am seeing very poor battery life on the 2G with redsn0w.
my wife's quickpwn'ed 2G iphone on T-mobile had been running perfectly, battery life was excellent. I upgraded it to 3.0 recently and redn0wed it. Now I can literally see the battery status go down in front of my eyes. On a full charge, it will be emptied within a few short hours of nothing but idling. The only thing I installed on it from cydia was sbsettings (which I now removed) and cycorder, that's about it.

Any idea?
Not sure if this is already discussed, but I am seeing very poor battery life on the 2G with redsn0w.
my wife's quickpwn'ed 2G iphone on T-mobile had been running perfectly, battery life was excellent. I upgraded it to 3.0 recently and redn0wed it. Now I can literally see the battery status go down in front of my eyes. On a full charge, it will be emptied within a few short hours of nothing but idling. The only thing I installed on it from cydia was sbsettings (which I now removed) and cycorder, that's about it.

Any idea?

There is already a thread on this, search for "hows your battery"
There is already a thread on this, search for "hows your battery"

Thanks. title says 3G on 3.0, which is why I didn't pay attention and missed it. My 3G 3.0 jb'ed with pwnage is running pretty flawlessly, battery life actually seems better than before 3.0/pwnage.
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_0 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7A341 Safari/528.16)

I'm running a 1st gen with redsnow and battery is exactly as it was before, great. No issues here.
When I first jailbroke and unlocked my 2G iPhone, I got really awful battery life and some weird bugs that didn't make any sense. Then I just jailbroke and unlocked it again and it fixed those issues.

My battery life is probably better now than it was back on 2.0. SBSettings and all.
Better battery

Since I installed 3.0 on my 1st gen battery life is better than before.
it's SBsettings.. for sure.

I had 3.0 GM a week before the public release, so I had no jailbreak.
The battery life was superb. Then I installed the jailbreak and battery just went from perfect to suck in no time.

Yesterday I did a restore (to install a clean 3.0) then jailbroke using redsn0w. Installed mobilesubstrate, voipover3g, openssh, and bitesms (same as before).. left SBsettings out and voilá.. battery clearly improved. Not as good as with a non jailbroken 3.0.. but that's something you gotta live with.

Besides, the week before public release, there were no push apps, now there are (I use beejive) so I'm not entirely sure the slight decrease of battery life is due to the jailbreak itself (and mobile substrate for example) or rather because of the ANP service itself. (possibly both..)
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