I know this thread has been inactive but seems like a good place for my question...
I have the latest 2010 macmini server, ATV2, and and running EyeTV HD and plex. Just now in the process of getting it set up. EyeTV records the shows well and puts the files in the EyeTV archive folder on my HD2 (500GB). I generally try to make the recordings via a smartlist so they are automatically converted to ATV format for itunes to recognize it (which it does). Then via itunes home sharing I can share the recorded files around the house and can connect to it from the ATV2 this way. All the files seem to show up in a jumble (movies, TV shows, etc) so haven't solved that problem yet. In addition, shows up in plex that way... very annoying. I'm sure I can individually label the files... not sure whether best to do it in iTunes, finder, other? Haven't solved the commercial and extra start time snipping issue but I suppose one could do in quicktime or imovie if one wants. Haven't solved the duplication issue... seems like two versions of the same file show up in itunes.. both seem to work. Overall, my main question is how to streamline the categorization of the file to movie, tv, etc and how to autodelete the eyetv file (if that is advisable)... Thanks for any advice...
This is how I do it.
I set EyeTV to record everything I want, and automatically export to Apple TV. That way, they show up on the Apple TV menu fairly soon after they have finished (about 30 mins, depending on the program and computer speed).
I then watch the programs on the Apple TV. Once I have watched the program, I have to delete it from iTunes, which is a minor inconvenience, but I generally just do a clear out every week or so.
If I don't want to keep a copy I also delete it from the EyeTV menu (again, I clear out every few days).
If I do want to keep a copy I use the EyeTV edit function to strip out the ends and commercials. I find that EyeTV is really easy to use for this (the old software I used was a pain, but it literally takes a minute or so with EyeTV). If there are no commercials you just set the marker at the start and finish and export the clip. If there are commercials you mark each bit you want to remove and then use the "compact" option. It really is very easy.
The only issue I have found is that the new Apple TV doesn't like the chapter marks that stripping out the commercials leaves. To get round this, I just re-edit after compacting and clear the markers. Then I export it.
There are a variety of ways to organise the programs within your iTunes library. It depends on your individual setup. Personally, I use the tagging routines included in the "How-To" at the top of this forum. The TV database it uses is generally very up to date, and I find that the majority of programs are on the database before they are aired. If that doesn't work I just make any changes required using Subler. Just look at the tags that any of your existing TV shows have and use that as a template.
This is a really easy and, I find, intuitive way of dealing with this. The only bit that is a pain is having to delete shows from the EyeTV App as well as iTunes, but as long as you are reasonably organised and have sufficient disk space, it isn't a major problem.