Ok, so I'm mulling over options for creating a home theatre with a limited budget (around 800-100 total, with pvr, and some output to play audio/mp4/etc off a computer. I haven't bought the TV yet, but it's likely a 37" Dynex LCD TV with HD input (onsale at futureshop this week
Now the cable company (rogers in Canada) is offering a PVR HD box for 399 plus 3 bucks a month (I know rip off), which seems to be the simple alternative, but quite a bit of money and may stretch the budget a bit too wide
I was hoping to design a system around my macbook (unibody 2 GB 2 GHZ Intel core 2 duo) and an eyetv 250 plus...basically it would be analog cable either straight or through a digital box into the eyetv, into the computer, and out to the tv via a mini displayport to hdmi adapter (which i purchased from monoprice and works quite well). I seem to like the capability the eyetv has for pvr, as well as recording straight onto the HD with conversion to iphone (for those long long commutes)...plus it seems cheaper at 200 plus 20 a year for the tv guide service.
My question is does anyone have a setup similar to this? I realize i may not get the HD digital channels via the box and may have to resort just using the coaxial cable straight to the computer, but in terms of quality of analog broadcast onto the tv, speed, etc, does it rival that of a digital box or would it be worth going for the pvr option (and buckling down and earning a bit more
Now the cable company (rogers in Canada) is offering a PVR HD box for 399 plus 3 bucks a month (I know rip off), which seems to be the simple alternative, but quite a bit of money and may stretch the budget a bit too wide
I was hoping to design a system around my macbook (unibody 2 GB 2 GHZ Intel core 2 duo) and an eyetv 250 plus...basically it would be analog cable either straight or through a digital box into the eyetv, into the computer, and out to the tv via a mini displayport to hdmi adapter (which i purchased from monoprice and works quite well). I seem to like the capability the eyetv has for pvr, as well as recording straight onto the HD with conversion to iphone (for those long long commutes)...plus it seems cheaper at 200 plus 20 a year for the tv guide service.
My question is does anyone have a setup similar to this? I realize i may not get the HD digital channels via the box and may have to resort just using the coaxial cable straight to the computer, but in terms of quality of analog broadcast onto the tv, speed, etc, does it rival that of a digital box or would it be worth going for the pvr option (and buckling down and earning a bit more