Well, since in this section there are many times the same question, I decided to do a "F.A.Q." to keep the best information grouped.
I will try to do my best, if you have suggestion,please share them.
Don't use this topic for doubts.
Hardware Questions both for Notebooks and Desktops:
What mac do I have?
You can check you machine specs using the system profiler: apple logo=>about this mac=>more info.
graphic made by simsaladimbamba
If your mac doesn't boot to MacOS, you can check up by its serial number, using this website.
What is the maximum Ram that my mac can take? and wich ram it is? and where do I buy it?
The maximum ram that your mac can take and it's type is given on everymac.com or using the application mactracker, if you search by your model.
Be sure that the ram that you buy is low density.
Ram can be bought on several places, but the best bet is crucial (for new ram).
For used ram/lower prices check ebay, there are many people selling ram pulled out from working macs, or even oem ram proved to work in mac (low density ram, check the feedback of the seller. Remember, high density RAM is cheaper than low density ram, so if a user is selling mac ram at higher prices, maybe he is not fooling you).
What is the maximum HDD that my mac can take? and wich type it is? and where do I buy it?
Well, one more time you can check everymac.com or mactracker to know what type of hdd do your mac take, if it is IDE or SATA, 2.5' (laptop) or 3.5' (desktop).
Some macs have a 128Gb limit on the "onboard Ide", I don't know about notebooks, but the list of desktop computers are here:
Power Macintosh G3 - Beige
Power Macintosh G3 - B&W
Power Macintosh G4 - PCI/Yikes!
Power Macintosh G4 - Sawtooth
Power Macintosh G4 - Gigabit Ethernet
Power Macintosh G4 - Cube
Power Macintosh G4 - Digital Audio
Power Macintosh G4 - QuickSilver '2001' (733MHz, 867MHz, Dual 800MHz)
There are some "solutions for that:
1)SpeedTools ATA Hi-Capacity Driver - http://www.speedtools.com/ATA6.html
2)Open Firmware hack:
3)SATA/IDE - PCi cards- this go for 60-80 dollars, and can be found on OWC, ebay and maybe other stores.
I have IDE type hdds on my mac, but they are becoming scarce and the prices are becoming higher, is there a solution?
If you have a laptop, or a desktop with limited size for hdd, guess you have to stay with IDE hdds.
For those who have plenty of space (powermacs for example), you can use sata HDD's with SATA to IDE converter. They are available from ebay at something 3euros shipping included, or 40eur in other stores. It's up to you, guess you wouldn't notice any difference. Alternatively, you can use a CF to IDE adapter, but this is not recommended because CF cards are pretty expensive and don't come in large storage sizes.
I heard about SSDs, can I have one in my Mac? It only has IDE ports.
Most ssd's are available only with SATA interface, although as covered before if you have a desktop, you can either use the SATA to IDE converter or a SATA to pci card.
For Laptop users there are only two options:
1) IDE ssds - they are scarce but they exist! OWC has a high variety of sizes and there is the 32Gb Transcend.
2) Compact Flash (CF Cards) - CF cards are like "mini ssds", although the performance is worse than a good ssd, it benefits from the "almost zero miliseconds" time acess.
The CF cards can be used through adapters (to desktop 40 pin IDE (desktop) or 44pin IDE (laptop) available on ebay for something like 3/4eur),these adapters can take one or two cfs.
Because of the size, cf cards can fit on laptops with the adapters.
CF Cards are good alternatives to people who don't need much space (32Gb of a good CF (2x16Gb 400x or more) is almost the same price of an IDE SSD) but want more speed, less noise/vibration (the problem of high speed 7200rpm HDD's in laptops) and a little more battery.
Don't buy a CF with speed less than 233/266x, it will be very slow.
more options and info here
My Mac only has a CD-Reader, I want to put a DVD, where do I buy them?
In this part I don't have sure, but I guess you use any ordinary pc optical drive, if you then use patchburn.
If you don't want to risk, search for mac compatible drives.
Can I upgrade my processor?
Laptops - I don't have great info about this, but I guess only the powerbook g3 allowed processor upgrades (check OWC site, Sonnet, Gigadesign, Lowendmac.com for more info) although be aware that a faster processor will probably produce more heat and consume more battery.
*Under construction*
Desktops - g3's, g4's do have processor upgrades,either swap from newer machines to older (for example, the dual g4 500MHz fit in some Sawtooth (it has to have a Uni-N revision 7 chipset).
CPU Upgrades Reviews Here
OWC has a high range of cpu upgrades,although you can find it on ebay too.
G5's don't have processor upgrades.
*Under construction*
Can I upgrade my PowerPC processor to an Intel one?
Short Answer: NO, it's impossible!
Long Answer: the most that you can do, is taking all powerpc stuff inside your case and put there and "hackintosh".That will take you time,and some do-it-yourself.
I will try to do my best, if you have suggestion,please share them.
Don't use this topic for doubts.
Hardware Questions both for Notebooks and Desktops:
What mac do I have?
You can check you machine specs using the system profiler: apple logo=>about this mac=>more info.

graphic made by simsaladimbamba
If your mac doesn't boot to MacOS, you can check up by its serial number, using this website.
What is the maximum Ram that my mac can take? and wich ram it is? and where do I buy it?
The maximum ram that your mac can take and it's type is given on everymac.com or using the application mactracker, if you search by your model.
Be sure that the ram that you buy is low density.
Ram can be bought on several places, but the best bet is crucial (for new ram).
For used ram/lower prices check ebay, there are many people selling ram pulled out from working macs, or even oem ram proved to work in mac (low density ram, check the feedback of the seller. Remember, high density RAM is cheaper than low density ram, so if a user is selling mac ram at higher prices, maybe he is not fooling you).
What is the maximum HDD that my mac can take? and wich type it is? and where do I buy it?
Well, one more time you can check everymac.com or mactracker to know what type of hdd do your mac take, if it is IDE or SATA, 2.5' (laptop) or 3.5' (desktop).
Some macs have a 128Gb limit on the "onboard Ide", I don't know about notebooks, but the list of desktop computers are here:
Power Macintosh G3 - Beige
Power Macintosh G3 - B&W
Power Macintosh G4 - PCI/Yikes!
Power Macintosh G4 - Sawtooth
Power Macintosh G4 - Gigabit Ethernet
Power Macintosh G4 - Cube
Power Macintosh G4 - Digital Audio
Power Macintosh G4 - QuickSilver '2001' (733MHz, 867MHz, Dual 800MHz)
There are some "solutions for that:
1)SpeedTools ATA Hi-Capacity Driver - http://www.speedtools.com/ATA6.html
2)Open Firmware hack:
this DOES NOT WORK FOR OS9. For OS9, you will still need the speedtools driver available here:
This time, however, we need to write this to the non-volatile RAM so that the changes aren’t lost on reboot.
Reboot or Power up your Cube
Hold down Command + Option + O + F simultaneously as soon as the reboot starts.
You should now be at the Open Firmware prompt. Note that this is NOT the BASH prompt, so don’t try anything here.
Type in the following, exactly. Please note that the Underscore “_” is used to indicate a space.
Press Ctrl+C to exit from nvedit.
That’s it. Now boot up and go to “About My Mac” to confirm the disk size.
If your disk was already formatted, it will have its original 128Gb partition and a region of inaccessible space at the end. It’s probably easiest to reformat the disk with a new partition scheme, unless you have some terminal disk utility or related tricks up your sleeve.
This hack will last until you reset the NV RAM (P RAM).
Similarly, if you hose your open firmware settings, use this fact to your advantage, perform a PRAM reset and start again.
If you do repartition the disk, it’s probably wise not to cross the 128Gb boundary with a partition, in case you ever have to reset the NV RAM, in which case you’ll only be able to access the first 128Gb of the the hard-disk. By splitting the disk at 128Gb, you’ll ensure that only whole partitions are visible and any partition after the 128Gb will be entirely invisible.
3)SATA/IDE - PCi cards- this go for 60-80 dollars, and can be found on OWC, ebay and maybe other stores.
I have IDE type hdds on my mac, but they are becoming scarce and the prices are becoming higher, is there a solution?
If you have a laptop, or a desktop with limited size for hdd, guess you have to stay with IDE hdds.
For those who have plenty of space (powermacs for example), you can use sata HDD's with SATA to IDE converter. They are available from ebay at something 3euros shipping included, or 40eur in other stores. It's up to you, guess you wouldn't notice any difference. Alternatively, you can use a CF to IDE adapter, but this is not recommended because CF cards are pretty expensive and don't come in large storage sizes.
I heard about SSDs, can I have one in my Mac? It only has IDE ports.
Most ssd's are available only with SATA interface, although as covered before if you have a desktop, you can either use the SATA to IDE converter or a SATA to pci card.
For Laptop users there are only two options:
1) IDE ssds - they are scarce but they exist! OWC has a high variety of sizes and there is the 32Gb Transcend.
2) Compact Flash (CF Cards) - CF cards are like "mini ssds", although the performance is worse than a good ssd, it benefits from the "almost zero miliseconds" time acess.
The CF cards can be used through adapters (to desktop 40 pin IDE (desktop) or 44pin IDE (laptop) available on ebay for something like 3/4eur),these adapters can take one or two cfs.
Because of the size, cf cards can fit on laptops with the adapters.
CF Cards are good alternatives to people who don't need much space (32Gb of a good CF (2x16Gb 400x or more) is almost the same price of an IDE SSD) but want more speed, less noise/vibration (the problem of high speed 7200rpm HDD's in laptops) and a little more battery.
Don't buy a CF with speed less than 233/266x, it will be very slow.
more options and info here
My Mac only has a CD-Reader, I want to put a DVD, where do I buy them?
In this part I don't have sure, but I guess you use any ordinary pc optical drive, if you then use patchburn.
If you don't want to risk, search for mac compatible drives.
Can I upgrade my processor?
Laptops - I don't have great info about this, but I guess only the powerbook g3 allowed processor upgrades (check OWC site, Sonnet, Gigadesign, Lowendmac.com for more info) although be aware that a faster processor will probably produce more heat and consume more battery.
*Under construction*
Desktops - g3's, g4's do have processor upgrades,either swap from newer machines to older (for example, the dual g4 500MHz fit in some Sawtooth (it has to have a Uni-N revision 7 chipset).
CPU Upgrades Reviews Here
OWC has a high range of cpu upgrades,although you can find it on ebay too.
G5's don't have processor upgrades.
*Under construction*
Can I upgrade my PowerPC processor to an Intel one?
Short Answer: NO, it's impossible!
Long Answer: the most that you can do, is taking all powerpc stuff inside your case and put there and "hackintosh".That will take you time,and some do-it-yourself.
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