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macrumors regular
Original poster
Sep 17, 2012
Philadelphia, PA
So... I've seen people say how Face ID is gonna be nice in the winter cuz of gloves. But... we still have to swipe up.

I'd like the option (I'd like to stress the option), to have Face ID work as follows:

Wake > Look > Homescreen (no swipe)

And I do understand I might have accidental unlocks and would blow by the notifications, still, I want it.

Anyone think there is a chance this might ever happen, does anyone else want this as well?

Edit: To be clear, the impetus for the post was the gloves discussion, but it wasn't totally about the gloves for me (despite the title). It was just me getting back to points I had made in other discussions about wanting the option of not having to swipe up. :)
Last edited:


macrumors 65816
Oct 8, 2012
So... I've seen people say how Face ID is gonna be nice in the winter cuz of gloves. But... we still have to swipe up.

I'd like the option (I'd like to stress the option), to have Face ID work as follows:

Wake > Look > Homescreen (no swipe)

And I do understand I might have accidental unlocks and would blow by the notifications, still, I want it.

Anyone think there is a chance this might ever happen, does anyone else want this as well?

And then what after you’re in the phone? Still need touch gloves or glove off. This isn’t the proper solution.
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macrumors 601
May 2, 2010
Just use gloves that supports capacitive touch screens.

Funny you should say that.

I just tested my X with the capacitive touch gloves I’ve used successfully for years with my iPhone 6.

They don’t work.


macrumors 6502
Oct 31, 2017
I am one of those who have said it is nice because I can use it with gloves. This is not speculative, but from actual experience so far. All my touch sensitive gloves work fine with my of my favorite parts about Face ID is that it is something that actually is working for me outside in winter; with Touch ID I had to remove a glove to use or just skip to password.


macrumors regular
Sep 16, 2017
Funny you should say that.

I just tested my X with the capacitive touch gloves I’ve used successfully for years with my iPhone 6.

They don’t work.

Have you updated your phone? This could be due to the bug with cold temperatures making iPhone X touchscreens unresponsive. That is if you tested it outside in the cold.


macrumors 601
May 2, 2010
Have you updated your phone? This could be due to the bug with cold temperatures making iPhone X touchscreens unresponsive. That is if you tested it outside in the cold.

So this happened inside of a hockey rink watching my son play this evening.

Yes, I am using the latest version 11.1.2 which is supposed to address the cold weather situation.

I had no issue using my naked fingers in the rink environment which was below 45°.

The gloves are in the car, I’ll test them in the morning in 68 degrees and see if there’s an issue with capacitive touch gloves and cold weather. Perhaps Apple solved the problem for the display with warm human fingers but not for capacitive touch gloves. I find it hard to believe they would suddenly stop working after being rock solid on my iPhone 6.


macrumors 68020
Jun 27, 2011
So... I've seen people say how Face ID is gonna be nice in the winter cuz of gloves. But... we still have to swipe up.

I'd like the option (I'd like to stress the option), to have Face ID work as follows:

Wake > Look > Homescreen (no swipe)

And I do understand I might have accidental unlocks and would blow by the notifications, still, I want it.

Anyone think there is a chance this might ever happen, does anyone else want this as well?

You will still need to use gloves that enable you to use touch screens.

Because how will you navigate the phone?


macrumors newbie
Nov 19, 2017
So... I've seen people say how Face ID is gonna be nice in the winter cuz of gloves. But... we still have to swipe up.

I'd like the option (I'd like to stress the option), to have Face ID work as follows:

Wake > Look > Homescreen (no swipe)

And I do understand I might have accidental unlocks and would blow by the notifications, still, I want it.

Anyone think there is a chance this might ever happen, does anyone else want this as well?

Edit: To be clear, the impetus for the post was the gloves discussion, but it wasn't totally about the gloves for me (despite the title). It was just me getting back to points I had made in other discussions about wanting the option of not having to swipe up. :)

What about a facial expression? Raise eyebrows or something to swipe up. That way you could see your notifications and then decide to go to home screen. If Animoji can do it then...


macrumors 601
May 15, 2005
I'm pretty sure we'll get a raise to wake and look to unlock option soon enough. the use case for gloves, wet hands etc just demands it.


macrumors 601
Jul 30, 2007
Tokyo, Japan
I'm pretty sure we'll get a raise to wake and look to unlock option soon enough. the use case for gloves, wet hands etc just demands it.
I'm not so sure - the lack of a seconds display in digital on the Apple Watch is (in my opinion) a perfect example of how Apple's engineers, being based in Cupertino, design what works for THEM, and sometimes tend not to consider how people in other locales might use the device. As Cupertino has a temperate climate (no gloves needed) I doubt this is a high priority for them. If they were based in a colder area, I would imagine that wearing gloves every day and experiencing first-hand what that's like would make them implement a workaround sooner.


macrumors G3
Apr 27, 2015
Philadelphia, PA
I do wish there was an option to bring you to the home screen automatically, but I see why they don't have it yet. But yea, like others have stated, you'll need special gloves to actually use your phone no matter what.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 20, 2010
And then what after you’re in the phone? Still need touch gloves or glove off. This isn’t the proper solution.
Let's be clear here. Assuming you have capacities gloves that work with the X, then Face ID represents a far better solution in cold weather. Just raise the phone, look, swipe up and use. No fingerprint nonsense needed. Those stuck in the stone-age of having to use buttons and fingerprints to unlock phones are just in denial. Eventually they'll be forced to adopt the tech because whatever Apple do, everybody else does after first bashing it.


macrumors 65816
Sep 16, 2007
I have "Hey Siri" active only after I'm unlocked, for security reasons, but I can ask Siri to open an app after Face ID unlocks the phone. Still need capacitive gloves a lot of the time to use apps - makes sense.


macrumors G3
Jul 10, 2007
What about a facial expression? Raise eyebrows or something to swipe up. That way you could see your notifications and then decide to go to home screen. If Animoji can do it then...
Yes I would like to wink to open Instagram. And frown to open facebook. And wag my tongue left and right to navigate back and forth in safari. And wriggle my nose to levitate my genie bottle.
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