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Petra Systems

macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 19, 2010
Face The Day

We would like to present the FIRST SOCIAL ORGANIZER!
FaceTheDay is an iPhone application that allows you to change Facebook into your personal organizer and includes innovative and yet simple functionalities:

- Facebook events as your calendar entries

Imagine that Facebook events are the calendar entries. Invite your friends to public events and receive the rsvp immediately. Enjoy the access to your entries from everywhere without having to synchronize anything!

- Support for Facebook invitations

Do you feel like you are flooded with Facebook invitations? The application will help you deal with them easily.

- The fastest access to Facebook directly from the application

Enjoy the access to your profile, friends and messages.

- A simple, hierarchical ToDo list

Are you tired of complicated ToDo lists with dozens of unnecessary functions? Here’s something for you.

- A powerful module designed to measure time

Count the time to or from any important event in your life.

iTunes Store: FaceTheDay for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad on the iTunes App Store

Website: Face The Day - The First Social Organizer

Now you can Face The Day!

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