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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jan 9, 2007
New Zealand
Finally, an update to Facebook is out! It says it fixes the time zone issues, crashings, pages going blank after a while, and showing you the last message in an inbox conversation/thread. Installed the update and with my limited time playing around with it, everything seems to be working. Oh it did mention that sync times should be shorter. My syncs have been hours long so I hope this update really does shorten it!
Wow, I just synced my iPod touch and it only took 5 min. A far cry from the 1-2 hours I was having. If only I knew Facebook was the culprit, I would have deleted it! I'm guessing it was backing up its cache when there's really no point.
Hey, has anyone had problems with the facebook app chat feature not working? I was hoping it would work with the update but no luck. I have reinstalled, rebooted but still no luck. Any suggestions?
installed 2.1 on both mine and my wifes iphones and rebooted. doesnt work on either one! wont load the app. terrible
Hey, has anyone had problems with the facebook app chat feature not working? I was hoping it would work with the update but no luck. I have reinstalled, rebooted but still no luck. Any suggestions?
Was it working in the old 2.0? Enabled chat in your Facebook account?

installed 2.1 on both mine and my wifes iphones and rebooted. doesnt work on either one! wont load the app. terrible
Yeah that happened to me. I had to delete then reinstall Facebook before it would load.
Wow, I just synced my iPod touch and it only took 5 min. A far cry from the 1-2 hours I was having. If only I knew Facebook was the culprit, I would have deleted it! I'm guessing it was backing up its cache when there's really no point.

No kidding!!! I had been having not as severe as yours but 20 minute back ups were creeping up. I restored it still didn't help. tried the sync a few minutes ago, first one since updating FB and done in under 5 as well. Double bonus. :eek:

OH and I could not chat with folks either, it would open and I could send a note but when they replied it said I wasn't online. Tried last night worked no problem. I am sure I have not changed any settings in FB either. Cool either way.
My status updates times are still messed up! The Top Story times are correct though.
My time stamps were fixed for about a day and now they've just gone back to showing '8 hours ago' for every post. Ridiculous.
Yep, times of postings all mucked up for me too, though bizarly I thought they were working when I first installed the update. At least the white screens are fixed.
Well back to status updates showing 3 hours and an email stuck as new even after opening.
Yeah times are all wrong. Had one status update stuck at 24 seconds for more than an hour. Meh...

I just refresh the inbox list by tapping on the reload button. That removes the "new" status on messages I've read.
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