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macrumors 604
Original poster
Jan 14, 2005
visiting from downstream
Consider yourself warned: The News Feed option to view Most Recent stories is GONE. The News Feed now operates only in Top Stories mode. If you want a Most Recent view, you have to go through More > Feeds (and then click the ">" button) and then select Most Recent -- but this means you are now stuck in the More section and the News Feed button is TOTALLY USELESS. :mad:

Facebook, get the message: No one gives a damn about Top Stories view. We want MOST RECENT view and we want the option to stick when we enable it.
Annoying indeed.

Another issue...are your fiends all in non-alphabetical order? They used to be.
I don't know -- I deleted the v10.0 app from my iPhone and was able to transfer the v9.x app from my iPad back over to my iPhone via iTunes and cable syncing.

I will not update my Facebook iOS app again until I have positive confirmation that the Most Recent option has been restored to the app.
I don't even understand the point of not showing things in order by time. Now I get stuff scattered around. People post stuff and I'm not even seeing it. Maybe it will finally pop up tomorrow at some random time.

That workaround through Feeds isn't really practical long term.
Thanks for the head's-up....I updated my iPad but haven't synced it yet....I'm going to delete the app then re-sync to iTunes to get the previous version back. Not two days ago I posted a rant about how FBs "Most Recent" option never seems to stick using the browser version - I wish there was a serious alternative to FB out there.
I'm glad others are as pissed about this as me...I don't understand the non-chronological 'Top Stories' at all...'Most Recent' makes the most sense and the fact that they're trying to kill it just pisses me off even more...
Consider yourself warned: The News Feed option to view Most Recent stories is GONE. The News Feed now operates only in Top Stories mode. If you want a Most Recent view, you have to go through More > Feeds (and then click the ">" button) and then select Most Recent -- but this means you are now stuck in the More section and the News Feed button is TOTALLY USELESS. :mad:

Facebook, get the message: No one gives a damn about Top Stories view. We want MOST RECENT view and we want the option to stick when we enable it.

I just want to see what all my friends post, not what FB thinks I want to see. It's strange when I got a friends page and I see posts I never even saw. :mad:
WTF -- now the Most Recent option has disappeared from v9.x of the iOS app. Looks like it was a server-side option and they have now removed it. :mad:
Facebook is getting stupider and stupider. they're making me NOT want to be on it. I'm not much of a poster, at least I don't treat it like twitter like some do but I do like to see post from friends and news stories. Since February 2014, we've gone from V7.0 (Feb), 8.0 (Mar), 9.0 (Apr) to now 10.0? :confused:
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Facebook are destroying the usefulness of their apps!!!

If it's not enough that Facebook are ripping their app apart, now this!
First we had Messages being ripped out, what was the point of Chat heads if they make Messenger it's own app.

I got really tired of Facebook showing me the updates that it thought I wanted to see, it's algorithm is broken.

It only shows you updates from people if they have got likes by other people, or if that person is very active.

This led me to creating my own app, It's called Beehive, it's in the App Store now at this link

It's Free for the next week or so, and would love it if you guys would give it ago. It let's you filter your Facebook, Twitter and Instagram down to just those you really care about. The app is completely anonymous, and it pulls in data from the walls and profiles of people, not just filtering the Newsfeed, as the Newsfeed system is broken.

Would love any support or feedback people want to give.
Are you guys also all experiencing the friends not in alphabetical order? I'm trying to figure out how the app is doing the sorting.
Wow, reading this thread saved my bacon--I haven't updated yet. The star ratings in the App Store for the current release are hilarious.. it's like 85% one-star.
I wouldn't mind do much if it remembered your selection, but it keeps defaulting back to the first item on the list or to top stories, depending on where I click
Seen in Facebook on my iPhone today...


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Seen in Facebook on my iPhone today...
Well, it's a slight improvement over how they did when version 10 was released, but it's still so very far from how it should be and was prior to version 10.
Not in the Favorites but in the feeds section on mine.


Do you have the same issue?
I have no idea. Makes no sense that they are not in alphabetical order.
I don't think they are even in alphabetical order on the actual FB website either.
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