But as I feared, and was confirmed by other posters, all it does is take you to specific in app areas from home. Doesn't let you write post from home screen without entering app.
But as I feared, and was confirmed by other posters, all it does is take you to specific in app areas from home. Doesn't let you write post from home screen without entering app.
Well perhaps you know exactly what 3D Touch is capable of. I'm not completely familiar with the entire Api of it so I was hoping it did more than quick access to sections in an app. It's still pretty cool and I think can go a long way. I was just conversing on the new Facebook update and what I hoped it would have liked to see.Why would anyone expect it to do that? None of the Apple apps that use 3D Touch do this, they all open the app and take you to the corresponding location.
this is what I'm hoping for, it'd take it to an even better levelIt's the same as Insta and Twitter as well, 3D touch those and you can post something but still opens the app up.
Got to appreciate this is still a new concept thats less than a month old, 3-4 months time we could have it where you can post something without the app opening or even better ideas/suggestions