There are still several bugs:
Graphics glitches with text in some info boxes that makes it impossible to scroll beyond that section.
The accelerometer is crap when looking straight down onto the phone, the way I normally hold it...not out in front. The photos don't rotate properly.
Several of my friends say that when chatting, it says I go offline and back online frequently and it annoys them. This has happened on 3g and WIFI.
My photo albums don't line up with the correct titles.
When searching for a friend, if you hit the (x) to clear the text, it scrolls down and the text searching panel is scrollable and you have to scroll up in a tiny thin strip back to the search panel. Its like you can see the layer underneath. Its pretty crappy.
Overall, the app is much better than the original offering, and can only get better. Facebook has a feedback wall setup for this app, and you can submit bugs to them directly as well as feature requests.