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Original poster
Apr 4, 2010
Would Microsoft allow it? Would Apple? Allowing users to Facetime friends on Facebook would be a great way to get more people on board.

MG rumored only basic access, but Facebook integration into iOS could make things really interesting.

Think we'll see any other Facetime enhancements in iOS 6? Connection to other services, over 3G/4G, interface?
You know I might post to my account more with ios integration. But I don't see a FaceTime to Facebook feature a time soon.

I just don't see it happening.
Honestly I'd rather iOS steer clear from Facebook integration. Twitter makes sense, but please no Facebook.

As far as FaceTime integration, I doubt Apple would do that. Not only that, but Facebook already has a video chat so why would they want to make their own feature unneeded?
I only use FaceTime with close friends and family. The last thing I want it to start getting random video calls from "friends" I haven't spoken with in years.

That said, for the crowd that is into Facebook and FaceTime calling, the tighter integration would surely make for a more streamlined process.
Honestly I'd rather iOS steer clear from Facebook integration. Twitter makes sense, but please no Facebook.

Why does Twitter make more sense than Facebook? I don't use twitter at all, but I share photos and posts on Facebook quite regularly.

So for me, there is no reason to have twitter integration, but I would love Facebook integration. Give people choice as to which social network they want to use...
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