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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 4, 2009
I recently bought Facetime from the App store for my 10.6 machine. Sadly I have never been able to login to my appleid account (that works fine with facetime under e.g. 10.8).

I have tried using app specific passwords as well as creating a new (local) user to make sure it wasn't a setting. Regardless of what I try, after each attempt it tells me my password is wrong. After about 3 attempts it tells me I have my password wrong too many times and need to visit the apple ID website. I can use the same password to login to using a web browser on the same machine.

I have tried periodically over a few weeks in case it was a temporary Apple problem. I tried ringing Apple support but they couldnt find anything (and didn't have access to any logs from their side). I wonder if its a problem of authentication methods being deprecated at some point but as they are still selling it I assume it should be able to be made to work...

Has anyone had any luck? Is there a workaround?
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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 4, 2009
I have confirmed that the sever at Apple that Facetime is talking to via SSL is presenting a certificate signed by something trusted (Apple Root CA). The connection isn't dropped straight after certificate presentation anyway - there is an exchange of data - so it's not that.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 4, 2009
Having intercepted the communication between Facetime and Apple I see that I can't log in due to:

status = 5012, DS login failed with code=-20101

Sadly I can't find the meaning of those codes. There is a dserr command but it claims to not know them.
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