I have searched the forums and I have not found my answer...
I have jailbroken my phone (but not unlocked it). And with 1.1.3 coming soon, I want to fully restore my phone to factory settings before I update so it does not mess up my phone. How would i go about doing this? Do I just plug it in and hit restore in itunes, or do I turn the phone into restore mode, then hit restore in itunes, or do I have to download something in installer.app?
All I want to do is make sure it goes completely back to stock as if I just bought the phone so 1.1.3 doesnt screw it up.
I have jailbroken my phone (but not unlocked it). And with 1.1.3 coming soon, I want to fully restore my phone to factory settings before I update so it does not mess up my phone. How would i go about doing this? Do I just plug it in and hit restore in itunes, or do I turn the phone into restore mode, then hit restore in itunes, or do I have to download something in installer.app?
All I want to do is make sure it goes completely back to stock as if I just bought the phone so 1.1.3 doesnt screw it up.