Lets Digg it or something, send the link to publications etc., its the typical thing that can generate some awareness/PR coverage and put some more pressure on Apple to fix this mess.
That is funny
Have to say though, that apart from a lack of email for a few hours the other day, most other things are actually working for me. I added a contact on my iPhone in the pub the other day; when I got home there it was in Address Book on my iMac. Pleasantly surprised that it worked!
wow cool! how did you do that? Wish I had the talent to come up w/ something like that so quickly.
Add me to the list of no email on one acct for 5 days and now unable to send email on desktop for 1 day w/ other 2 accts. Just put me on a different server already Mac! One that is working, please.
If I was given to such emotions I would have been rolling on the floor with laughter. Both because it's funny and because it's not THAT bad, and because it will be working soon. But that is a great one... anyone know where we can send it to so it can get published?