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Sir SpemzR

macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 9, 2009
Inland Empire
Can anyone help me find the wallpaper of a cracked lcd in
either png or psd format so i can add my own background behind it...

i tried searching the desktop threads because i remember it was
posted on here but i couldnt find it....

any help is appreciated,
thank you
Something like this? Windows7Part2.jpg
yea but in either .png or .psd format so the background is clear
and it doesnt have the mac wallpaper

thanks though eleven2brett
thanks everyone but none of them are it...
if any of u are active in the Desktops thread where people post
screen shots, u must have seen it there, not sure if it was last month
or the month before that but someone linked the psd/png to it

sorry to be a hassle
I may be partly responsible for the image in post #3. Someone had a similar request to the OP and a few of us messed with it. One poster found a link to the original cracked glass file. It's a Win desktop. The post was in Design and Graphics, but that is all I remember.

The one in the above thread was my work, and if I can find a copy of my PSD, you should just be able to relace the images. I'll lock the alpha and stuff so you don't have to redo the cutting.

Uh.... except it's 48 MiB. Ill edit this post once I've compressed it a bit.|_Broken.psd.7z (apologies for the SkyDrive)

Hi, I'm developing a site and I need it to float over another image. I want it to be transparent. How do I do it?

I already know HTML code to do that, but I don't know the part that has to be done on Photoshop. Help please!!!
What you want

Ah, what you're looking for is a cracked glass like image created in photoshop preserving the alpha (transparency) to overlay on changing content viewed by the end user via a browser...

This might be more a web design forum based question... off the top of my head Flash may be the only solution to your particular goal. As far as I know (limited) is that in html you can set the transparency of an image, but not stack (layer) images on the fly from html code alone ...

You can create a new doc in PS, apply a cracked glass effect, layer, whatever... turn off all other layers so you just see the glass effect and the checkboard standard no background pattern and select save as... then choose .tif and check the box that sayz preserve transparency and that will port out the transparent space you're looking for in an image file, but as far as integrating that in web delivery like you want... dunno that trick. I would warn however, that even with Flash, you would not be able to click 'thru' the cracked glass layer to something underneath (the changing content). If it's just straight text or pics fine, but they're would be any interactivity with the lower layer... a work around would be to create invisible/transparent buttons that would be a layer above the cracked glass layer but would correspond to areas on the content of the lower layer.

But I ain't proposing myself to be web savvy.


ps... try this
As far as I know (limited) is that in html you can set the transparency of an image, but not stack (layer) images on the fly from html code alone ...

You can stack images using CSS ...

Position them to overlay each other, then set the

z-index: 1;

on the image you want on top.
As long as your viewers won't be using IE (which, up to version 6 doesn't support transparent images), you should be alright taking the glass layer out of the psd, setting the layer blend mode to 'screen', resizing as appropriate, and then exporting to .png, preserving transparency.

Then have a div in your html which, via css, has a z-index of -1 and and an absolute postioning of 0,0. (I think it's absolute which stops the image moving when the page is scrolled, css is not my strongest point). This will place it above all the other content, and will make it appear to be broken.

You might have problems with click-throughs, though.
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