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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Oct 28, 2008
Since the Mac is turning 40, I wonder if Apple should make a "FAM", or 40th Anniversary Macintosh. Something like the TAM, but after 20 years of evolution. If showcasing everything and anything, I wonder what this would look like. Of course, the pricing would make the Mac Pro look cheap, and I'm sure Apple likely wouldn't do this, due to the lack of sales of the TAM... but it would be interesting to see what Apple could do to make a no-holds-barred machine to celebrate.
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macrumors member
Feb 9, 2023
but it would be interesting to see what Apple could do to make a no-holds-barred machine to celebrate.
Mac Studio in matte black ! What else.......

ahh wait, Macbook Air in carbon fiber, with "spread tow" tissue.

edit: link switched to english:

these look fantastic in real live !

otherwise, well, screw it ! cause:
Of course, the pricing would make the Mac Pro look cheap
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macrumors G5
Mar 10, 2009
Since the Mac is turning 40, I wonder if Apple should make a "FAM", or 40th Anniversary Macintosh. Something like the TAM, but after 20 years of evolution.

Probably not . The 20th anniversary Mac was one of those “no focus” , gratitious Macs that Jobs threw in the trash can when he came back .

“… Steve Jobs returned to Apple in 1997. In March 1998 he made sweeping changes, including scrapping the Newton MessagePad. It was at this time that the TAM was discontinued, and remaining stocks reduced to US$1,995. T. …

The TAM was a boondoggle that served relatively little purpose . ( besides a vanity project ) . Apple has lots of freedom to do vanity projects elsewhere in the product( or non-product) line up now. ( e.g. the money pit Apple Car ) .

They already have a ‘hobby product’ in the MacPro ( and increasingly the iMac) . There is little need for a vanity product to clog up the line up.

At 40 years old the Mac has to work harder at ‘staying in shape’/ heathy / being competitive. Apple needs to fold in substantive improvements every 2-3 year intervals ; not something like every 10. ( or more ) .

If showcasing everything and anything, I wonder what this would look like.

It showcased some tendencies that brought the hockey puck mouse and butterfly keyboard. It is something needs to do less of not more of .
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macrumors 68030
Jul 16, 2013
The Netherlands
It would be cool if they released a special curved iMac, that would be the equivalent I think. 32" OLED screen, some exotic material in a bronze color for example could make it a step beyond current offerings.

Of course everyone knows the TAM was no succes, but I owned one a decade ago and you wouldn't believe it came out a year before iMac G3. It had leather wrist pads and a Bose sound system, crazy stuff.

Apple could make more exciting products with its current state of succes. I'd love to see some experimentation next to standard products. Vision Pro BTW could be seen as just that.


macrumors 68000
Oct 7, 2007
I have this and it’s still my favorite Mac ever. The new iMac M series is also gorgeous to me and feels like the natural evolution of the TAM. Stored original box and all the stuff in perfect conditio.
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