So I managed to set up my aluminium iMac with Windows XP pro today and was happily mowing down some people in Team Fortress 2 when my iMac hung (owing to extreme temperatures!). The hardware itself was fine, but the interruption was not.
That said, does anyone have any good ideas for fan management of iMac hardware while in Windows or something that might turn the fans on earlier so I can play games for longer?
I would love to scrap my old PC, but until I can play games on my Mac for as long as I want, it's not going to be easy to migrate fully over!
That said, does anyone have any good ideas for fan management of iMac hardware while in Windows or something that might turn the fans on earlier so I can play games for longer?
I would love to scrap my old PC, but until I can play games on my Mac for as long as I want, it's not going to be easy to migrate fully over!