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Apr 12, 2001

Fantastical 2 for the iPhone and the iPad were today updated to version 2.1, adding several new features to both mobile apps including a new Snooze feature, event invitation notifications, birthday notifications, and more.

The biggest new feature, Snooze, allows users push back notification times for calendar events or reminders using either preset times or custom set durations, a useful function when a notification pops up and needs to be paused until a later time.

Along with Snooze, the 2.1 update adds notifications for upcoming birthdays and event invitations, plus it's possible to search for and add contacts and locations when creating new events. There are also new keyboard shortcuts enabled when using an external keyboard and several little tweaks have been added, such as improved calendar colors for the week view and an improved appearance for events that span multiple days. A complete list of changes can be found below:
- Snooze! Open a Fantastical event or reminder notification to see snooze options
- Search and add contacts or locations when creating a new event (tap the arrow in the location field)
- New event invitation notifications and app icon badge option
- Upcoming birthday notifications
- Setting to hide the event details location map
- Event preview when duplicating and moving items
- Keyboard shortcuts when using an external keyboard (open Settings > Help > Tips and Tricks for more info)
- Improved calendar colors in the week view
- Improved appearance for timed events that span multiple days in the week view
- Various fixes and improvements
To celebrate its 2.1 update, the Fantastical apps have been significantly discounted, dropping prices by up to 50 percent.

Fantastical 2 for iPad is available for $9.99, down from 14.99. [Direct Link]

Fantastical 2 for iPhone is available for $4.99, down from $9.99. [Direct Link]

Fantastical for Mac is available for $9.99, down from $19.99. [Direct Link]

Article Link: Fantastical for iPhone/iPad Gains Snooze and Birthday Notifications, Goes on Sale
Hopeless Apps, uninstalled a while back after wasting money on both iPhone and Mac versions.

Weekcal, on the other hand is fantastic and has also been on sale - but no mention here as always. Why the Fantastical bias?
Hopeless Apps, uninstalled a while back after wasting money on both iPhone and Mac versions.

Weekcal, on the other hand is fantastic and has also been on sale - but no mention here as always. Why the Fantastical bias?

I tried looking for this "Weekcal" and have been unable to find it. Where is it or does it even exist? I have tried the Mac app store and I have tried the iTunes App store. Maybe there is no mention of it because it is nonexistent.

Fantastical is at least available on the Mac, iPhone and iPad and is as the name suggests Fantastic.
I probably bought every damn calendar within the app store. Fantastical 2 is pretty darn good but I am way too addicted to Calendar 5 from Readdle to switch to anything else really.

IMO there is no better way to show upcoming events with their vertical week view!
I tried looking for this "Weekcal" and have been unable to find it. Where is it or does it even exist? I have tried the Mac app store and I have tried the iTunes App store. Maybe there is no mention of it because it is nonexistent.

Fantastical is at least available on the Mac, iPhone and iPad and is as the name suggests Fantastic.

Why would I mention something that doesn't exist???

Week Calendar. Searching for weekcal on the App Store and it's this first hit.

As another poster says, Calendar 5 is also excellent.

Fantastical (and Apple's calendar) are hopeless to me as they do not have a decent month view which actually shows information rather than meaningless coloured blobs.

So many good calendars our there, but only fantastical seems to get mentioned on here.
Why would I mention something that doesn't exist???

Week Calendar. Searching for weekcal on the App Store and it's this first hit.

As another poster says, Calendar 5 is also excellent.

Fantastical (and Apple's calendar) are hopeless to me as they do not have a decent month view which actually shows information rather than meaningless coloured blobs.

So many good calendars our there, but only fantastical seems to get mentioned on here.

In two, not one but two, you touted an app called "Weekcal" so that is the app that I searched for. Now you're saying it's called Week Calendar because someone called you out on a non existent app. If you are going to promote an app, get it's name correct.

As far as Week Calendar goes it is only available on the iPhone and iPad, where is a Mac version. Fantastical has that at least going for it.

In addition, other excellent calendar apps out there would be....
Sunrise, Tempo, Pocket Informant, and on the Mac BusyCal 2. Some of those apps are just on iOS and some are just on Mac, yet a few are available cross platform. Fantastical is available on Mac, iPhone and iPad and is excellent and works flawlessly.
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I have Fantastical 2 on iPhone. I assumed it was a universal app, as these all should be these days. Nope, it wasn't. My fault. Then I saw they had a Mac app so I wanted the trio, but saw they wanted $15 for the Mac as well as the iPad version. Calendar apps aren't worth $35. Sorry.

I'm on Sunrise. All universal. All free. Does what I need in a pretty manner.
In two, not one but two, you touted an app called "Weekcal" so that is the app that I searched for. Now you're saying it's called Week Calendar because someone called you out on a non existent app. If you are going to promote an app, get it's name correct.

As far as Week Calendar goes it is only available on the iPhone and iPad, where is a Mac version. Fantastical has that at least going for it.

In addition, other excellent calendar apps out there would be....
Sunrise, Tempo, Pocket Informant, and on the Mac BusyCal 2. Some of those apps are just on iOS and some are just on Mac, yet a few are available cross platform. Fantastical is available on Mac, iPhone and iPad and is excellent and works flawlessly.

'weekcal' brings up the correct app as first hit, in the UK store at least. Your milage may vary. The icon labels itself 'Week Cal' not anything else.

Not 'promoting' an App, just mentioning its existence and querying why Fastastical is the only calendar App mentioned here.

Your post comes across aggressive. Why? We're only taking Apps here - first world problems and all that.

FYI Pocket Informant and Calendar 5 are also excellent and run rings around Fantastical.
Because it's rubbish?

Try Weekcal, enter month view and actually see your schedule rather than just coloured blobs.

It would appear you are pushing an agenda. Your comment is very subjective.
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I really like fantastical, i just wish they (or somebody else) will make an extension showing the week in the fashion of Jorte calendar widget for Android or something similar.

The big problem with Week Calendar is that it is ugly, the problem with Calendars 5 is that its natural language recognition is not very good (but its week view is very nice)
Stock App is Good

If you'd like to add events and get Reminders notifications from the same app then Fantastical and other apps may work for you, for me I think the stock Calendar is the best as it comes with the cleanest UI, at iOS 7.0 I couldn't see my events on Month view unless I dig deep and tap on Day view! But now it's flawless for me unless we are talking about the hideous icon. :rolleyes:

For Reminders I use GTD apps, Things, but that's another story! :cool:
I use Fantastical on my work and home Macs, but only because I got it as part of a bundle. I essentially only use it as a menu bar widget—and it works well for that.

I refuse to buy these third party apps until Apple lets us replace default apps in iOS. For as much as Apple is opening up, this is still one thing that is quite restricted. I'm not speaking about this app in particular, but I'm sure that Apple knows that some of these apps are better than their built-in counterparts. The problem for Apple is people become reliant on these outside solutions, and then somebody like Google buys them up. We saw that happen with Sparrow. Suddenly Google starts to own all of the best iOS apps, and makes it easy for people to switch to Android. That is probably their concern. Keeping those restrictions in place keeps 80-90% of people using built-in apps, and makes it difficult for them to switch to a competing platform.
Because it's rubbish?

Try Weekcal, enter month view and actually see your schedule rather than just coloured blobs.

It would appear you are pushing an agenda. Your comment is very subjective.

Okay, I use Fantastical and I like it. Obviously, I don't agree with your assessment that Fantastical is rubbish. But, I took a look at WeekCal and I have say it is pretty good too. I downloaded it onto my iPad and its fantastic so far. Looks like I might be dropping Fantastical for WeekCal. ;)
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