nice. my buddy works at Zynga, I'm sure he's excited about the influx of new farmers...
And you thought texting while driving was bad... now we'll have to deal with people harvesting crops on the road.
It's not universal so it pixel-doubles.
I have to log in to Facebook? ****.
Yeah that's a big no no for me. I don't want to post my "progress" to my Facebook friends.
Crashes whenever I try to send a gift. I also hope they update it to save state and add retina display graphics.
I would play this app/game if it didn't integrate with Facebook. I don't want to annoy my friends with all the wall posts nor do I want it to ask me to post it over and over again. Oh well.
It wont post anything to your wall (unless you tell it to). But it will annoy you with requests to post to your wall. It's all part of their scheme to get more people playing, and to get more money through buying coins and farm cash.
I personally dislike games where you have to pay more than a one-time fee. So I probably wont play it much.