Hi there I'm the guy responsible for this abomination and this thread is really cracking me up. Not so much because of the extreme resentment towards my app as to my own judgement of what's funny.
The app was never meant to be anything but a spoof, kind of a worst-of-the-worst and I really thought the line "...combines the joy of boobs with the joy of farting!" would give it away. It all came about after I released
Insulting Monk to (perhaps deservedly) universal indifference. I figured I'd have a look at what kind of apps that
were popular and it seemed they were all either fart- or boob-apps. This kind of annoyed me as I figured Insulting Monk wasn't any worse than a lot of these big-selling apps. So I figured the worst, and therefore most commercially viable, app would be one that combined the two...
Sorry if anyone was offended.