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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 6, 2006
Bucks, UK
Hi All,

I'm in the rather fortunate position of being press and photographer accredited for an up coming music event and wanted to get you opinions on making a bit of money from it.

My current idea is to run home after the event, send pre-made emails to local magazines and newspapers giving them a link to a lightroom made contact sheet ill upload ASAP!

Its unlikely I can do this in the field due to a lack of internet!

Any suggestions? How do you guys do it?


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
tektonnic said:
My current idea is to run home after the event, send pre-made emails to local magazines and newspapers giving them a link to a lightroom made contact sheet ill upload ASAP!

So what are you asking for? A way to get this done even faster? The only way to go faster is to find an Internet connection that is closer then your home.

The other trick would be to photograph only the beginning of the event and leave before it is over and just hope nothing news worthy happens after you leave.

A related idea is to have an assistant take a set of early photos off to your hous and put them on-line and then you add the rest when you get home.


macrumors 68000
Mar 30, 2005
Use a cellphone as a modem with a laptop? If you could make decent money out of it, it would be worthe the cost of uploading the sheet.

Is there a Starbucks or McDonalds with free (for the price of a burger) internet access.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 6, 2006
Bucks, UK
Yeh I was looking for suggestions on what everyone else does, the mobile phone idea is a good one - although at this rate my ibook will still be broken and thats kinda needed for that solution!

Public access Wi-Fi is growing here but where I live I think there might be one in a starbucks, but that a little further away than my house.

Does doing a contact sheet through lightroom sound like a decent enough idea or are there better ways?
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