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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 16, 2009
Is there any difference between buying the iPad in a store vs online? I'd rather get it at the store but it seems like theyll never have the damned thing in stock.

Also, are there any other benefits im not thinking of to having a 3G version besides having internet everywhere? $130 extra is kinda steep.

Having the benefit of 3G everywhere is huge. Well worth the $130. GPS is just a bonus
It really depends on your personal use. I have an iPhone for the quick hits while on the road, but use my iPad at home (90% of home use), in the airport, on the plane, at friends homes and hotel rooms. While I usually have a wifi signal to use when I need it, it can be really frustrating when I want to use it and do not have a signal.

Yeah I know, I didn't help with your decision did I ? :rolleyes:
The $130 is well worth it. We had my wife's wifi iPad before my 3G version arrived. Even if you think you will not use it much, I would suggest consider getting it. That is of course, if the 3G service is adequate in your area.

I find I take my 3G unit just about everywhere. We recently took a local trip and it was great having the internet (on a nice size screen) wherever you go. I was just going to get the wifi one in the first place. A friend suggested I seriously consider the 3G and I'm very glad I did.
thanks for the suggestions guys. im going nuts trying to decide if the 3g is worth it or not for me. kjaskfsajflkasjf :(
thanks for the suggestions guys. im going nuts trying to decide if the 3g is worth it or not for me. kjaskfsajflkasjf :(

Why are you going nuts over $130? If you're going nuts, that means that you cannot come up with an excuse not to get it. Just make a decision and enjoy your iPad. :)
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