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macrumors regular
Original poster
May 1, 2009
Orlando, Fl
was wondering if t-mobile users can come together n figure out which internet settings allow for fastest internet capabilities?

i currently use but there are a few others that work as well. what im tryin to figure out is which apn is fastest?

i also have the 19.99 internet deal from t-mobile jus incase that matters.
Good question.
Does it really make a difference though?
2G Edge data should be the same no matter what setting you'd use correct?
Im not sure but would they have slower and faster 2G servers?
Internet super low with tmobile

I just got a 3g iPhone that is jail broken and unlocked. However the Data speed is so slow. I use - something like that. Is there a code for US users? Pls let me know. Thanks
3G speeds for Tmob are not available in US, Edge is the fastest you're gonna get.

You're right. MacMane, in the US, you're never gonna get 3G speeds on T-Mo anytime soon because they obviously use a different frequency that the iPhone 3G does not have built-in. Also, as far as there being a 'faster' 2G server, it's highly unlikely that there's separate servers for 2G access. I'm pretty sure that it's the same speeds across the entire network with occasional speed bumps in certain areas like any network has. However, I don't think you have any other options, as far as internet speeds go, on T-Mo's network. It's a simple fact of life that you have to live with when you're unlocked with T-Mo in the US. But, hey, having 2G is better than no internet at all right? Just be grateful for what you have and that you're not stuck with AT&T and their ridiculous rates. :p
im grateful. just wanted more people to get in on this thread n a little research to be done. so we t-mobile users can get the fastest internet settings available since we cant get 3G. i just switched my apn to to test it out =)
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