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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Feb 3, 2008
So I ended up finding Apple TVs at one (and only one: the rest were sold out) of the local Apple Stores and took the plunge after discovering the hardware seemed destined for an App Store.

So far, I really like it! My favorite new features over the previous model, which I also owned, are:

1. "Favorite" podcasts and watched/unwatched status! This is HUGE for me. I watch my favorite podcasts on a regular basis, and before you'd have to check each and every one for new episodes, which was a pain if you had 20 favorites, some of which were published on an irregular schedule!
2. "Rotten Tomatoes" ratings/reviews! I always used to check via my computer or phone before renting before.
3. Sleep mode! Not only is the new Apple TV much more energy efficient, but it actually goes to sleep on its own! I set mine to sleep after 15 minutes.

Netflix sounds cool. I may need to re-check it out now that the Apple TV supports it.

Otherwise, is it just me, or does the picture of streamed SD iTunes movies look a bit... different. I'm not sure if there's upscaling or some sort of video processing going on, but in parts the video almost appears clearer and in parts it almost looks more pixelated. Maybe it's just me.
Netflix is great. They just take the $8.99 out a month and I don't ever have to think about it. I use the DVD just because I can. I look forward to the (rumors of a) $7.99 streaming only plan. I've heard that they just signed some great deals so we will be getting even more movies here soon. I am very happy with the growth rate; they are adding new stuff constantly.
Netflix is great. They just take the $8.99 out a month and I don't ever have to think about it.

I signed up after buying an Apple TV and it's awesome! The selection is a lot better than it was awhile ago, the Apple TV interface is top notch, and you can also watch over WiFi with the free iPhone app. Too cool!
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