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Mr. Monsieur

macrumors 6502
Original poster
Apr 21, 2004

I'm noticing that when I sync a couple of video (bad audio) clips with an audio (good audio) clip that FCP uses the bad audio when creating the synced clip. What do I need to do to make sure that FCP is using the good audio instead of the bad (video) audio?

Thanks in advance!


I'm noticing that when I sync a couple of video (bad audio) clips with an audio (good audio) clip that FCP uses the bad audio when creating the synced clip. What do I need to do to make sure that FCP is using the good audio instead of the bad (video) audio?

Thanks in advance!


With multiple clips loaded (multicam), go to the Angles viewer (shift-command-7)... from there you should be able to select the audio source for the clip/video.

The question is, what do you mean by "when I sync some video clips"? Because if you're not doing it over a multicam clip, which it sounds like you're not, then you're already doing it wrong.
The question is, what do you mean by "when I sync some video clips"? Because if you're not doing it over a multicam clip, which it sounds like you're not, then you're already doing it wrong
Here's what I'm doing: I'm using the "Clip:>"Synchronize Clips" function to sync two videos (that follow each other chronologically) to a file from an external audio source.
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With multiple clips loaded (multicam), go to the Angles viewer (shift-command-7)... from there you should be able to select the audio source for the clip/video.

Here's what I'm doing: I'm using the "Clip:>"Synchronize Clips" function to sync two videos (that follow each other chronologically) to a file from an external audio source. Should I create a multicam clip even though I'm not actually using two video files that are synchronous?
Here's what I'm doing: I'm using the "Clip:>"Synchronize Clips" function to sync two videos (that follow each other chronologically) to a file from an external audio source. Should I create a multicam clip even though I'm not actually using two video files that are synchronous?

You have 3 files... two video clips - one that follows the other chronologically... and an audio file that you want to use for the audio source of the entire video, correct?

If YES, then import all three files into FCP and create a multi-cam clip... that will sync the two video clips in sequence along with the audio file... (this process uses the audio from all of the files to build a multi-cam clip of everything in sequence).

Once that's done, using the ANGLES viewer (shift-command-7) select the audio file as the audio source, and the first video (chronologically) as the video source... where the video clips transition, then select the other video clip as the video source, and Bob's your uncle.
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I'm using the "Clip:>"Synchronize Clips" function to sync two videos

Then, as I wrote, you're doing it wrong. "Synchronize Clips" is not for two clips and one audio, it's for one clip and one audio. Anything beyond one video is a multicam, as I would have assumed the name reveals. Synchronizing the way you're doing it makes no practical sense, as it would seem you are coming to realize.
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