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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 8, 2011
Hello everyone.

I have a Mac Pro on 10.9.5 set up with two dual-DVI video adapters.
One of them is running a 27" Samsung panel (primary display with menu bar and stuff) and a 20" calibrated Cinema Display (to the right and a bit below than primary) I use for color proofing.
The other GPU has half the VRAM so it's running a 17" 4:3 Benq display I use for auxilary tasks.

However when I select "Show viewers on second monitor" in Final Cut Pro X, it's displaying the viewers on my small Benq, instead of my CD.
I have seen multiple solutions on the web involving setting one of the monitors as TV Out but it only seems to work with HDMI GPU's, since in my case the TV Out list in Preferences is empty.

What I would like to achieve is having viewers on my cinema display, the storyline on my main 27", and if possible, have the event browser on my auxilary 17".

Right now to display the viewers on my Cinema Display, I have to disconnect the Benq, go to System Preferences, click Detect Displays, go to FCPX, enable viewers on secondary display, reconnect the Benq, go to System Preferences and Detect again. That process is annoying and slow.

Anybody know a solution to this?

Big thanks in advance.
- Ak.R.
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