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Jul 31, 2016
If we send feature requests for iOS 10, is there a chance Apple will implement them in future XX.1 updates? Because I would change the "Now Playing" screen a little bit, in a way if you scroll up, the album art disappears and only the song title and controls stay on the screen. Kinda like the adressbar in Safari.
It depends on how many people ask for the same feature. If it becomes a popular request, it probably has a 'better' chance at being implemented.
It depends on how many people ask for the same feature. If it becomes a popular request, it probably has a 'better' chance at being implemented.

Even then if say 100 millions people ask for it it doesn't mean it will happen. Apple will only do things that make sense to them and their software/product. Because at the end of the day, it's theirs and they have full right to make it look and function how they see fit. And not let user consumer feedback dictate that very much. If Apple added every little thing people wanted, iOS would be a horrendous mess with toggles and options for every minute detail. Then people would complain it's too bloated.

Personally I don't see how the OP's suggestion makes a difference. Who really cares if the album art stays or not, that's such a trivial thing to worry over. I think some really need to just start using their devices and worry less about things that really don't matter in the grand scheme of things. iOS is and will always be how Apple wants it to be. That's no different to any product that any company puts out. And yes, some user feedback actually makes it into things, but Apple has always been known (and to some degree praised) on saying "no" to 1000 things before saying "yes" to something. Gotta pick and choose what makes sense in the big picture.
Even then if say 100 millions people ask for it it doesn't mean it will happen. Apple will only do things that make sense to them and their software/product. Because at the end of the day, it's theirs and they have full right to make it look and function how they see fit. And not let user consumer feedback dictate that very much. If Apple added every little thing people wanted, iOS would be a horrendous mess with toggles and options for every minute detail. Then people would complain it's too bloated.

Personally I don't see how the OP's suggestion makes a difference. Who really cares if the album art stays or not, that's such a trivial thing to worry over. I think some really need to just start using their devices and worry less about things that really don't matter in the grand scheme of things. iOS is and will always be how Apple wants it to be. That's no different to any product that any company puts out. And yes, some user feedback actually makes it into things, but Apple has always been known (and to some degree praised) on saying "no" to 1000 things before saying "yes" to something. Gotta pick and choose what makes sense in the big picture.
It's not about the Album art staying on screen or not, it's about the controls staying on screen ALL THE TIME, so even if you´re deep down in your "Up next" list, you can still control your music without losing your spot in the list.
It's not about the Album art staying on screen or not, it's about the controls staying on screen ALL THE TIME, so even if you´re deep down in your "Up next" list, you can still control your music without losing your spot in the list.

Ok, that makes a little more sense. But still how often does someone (and I mean the overall general public and not you specifically) really need to skip, pause, reverse while they are tinkering with Up Next? Generally if you're down in the Up Next it's to rearrange the order or to see what is coming up.

Also leaving the controls takes away space that can be used by the Up Next list. Not a huge deal on say an iPad or iPhone Plus and to some degree the 4.7" iPhone, but the 5, 5c, 5s and SE would suffer a lot from that and have to scroll even more to view the list and move down it. And we all know how grumpy people around here get when you have to scroll a little extra (or extra swipe once and a while like on the new CC)

Having said all that though. To answer your initial post. By all means send in enhancement feedback, but I wouldn't hold your breath or actually expect a whole lot to come from it. Look how long many people have been sending feedback for an actual dark mode. A few years at least and that still hasn't happened.
Ok, that makes a little more sense. But still how often does someone (and I mean the overall general public and not you specifically) really need to skip, pause, reverse while they are tinkering with Up Next? Generally if you're down in the Up Next it's to rearrange the order or to see what is coming up.

Also leaving the controls takes away space that can be used by the Up Next list. Not a huge deal on say an iPad or iPhone Plus and to some degree the 4.7" iPhone, but the 5, 5c, 5s and SE would suffer a lot from that and have to scroll even more to view the list and move down it. And we all know how grumpy people around here get when you have to scroll a little extra (or extra swipe once and a while like on the new CC)

Having said all that though. To answer your initial post. By all means send in enhancement feedback, but I wouldn't hold your breath or actually expect a whole lot to come from it. Look how long many people have been sending feedback for an actual dark mode. A few years at least and that still hasn't happened.
Of course, if I request a feature it is because I would like to see it. I´m sorry, but I´m an egoist in this aspect and if Apple implements an asked feature it's great and if not it's also okay with me. ;)
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Perhaps the only way to downvote the poor design is using wallet. See worse than before iPhone 6s sale. This is how customers bash their design. If iPhone 7 sale continues to drop, then people again uses their wallet to vote for that design.
Apple can do whatever they want to let product fit "their" needs but if no one buys their products then it is not the matter of how "they" think. It is a matter of how "customers" think. The only but also fatal weakness of business is business needs to earn money, which customers can always exploit. ;)
Perhaps the only way to downvote the poor design is using wallet. See worse than before iPhone 6s sale. This is how customers bash their design. If iPhone 7 sale continues to drop, then people again uses their wallet to vote for that design.

Perhaps you should go get hired at Apple and show them all how design and developing is done. Since you seem to know it all and are superior to all the designers and developers they currently have.

Current slower iPhone sales have nothing to do with design. If you go by that logic then I guess nearly every smartphone manufacturer also have terrible designers that could use your skills. It's due to not everyone updates annually and that the market is insanely saturated. Everyone who wants a smartphone has one by now.
If we send feature requests for iOS 10, is there a chance Apple will implement them in future XX.1 updates? Because I would change the "Now Playing" screen a little bit, in a way if you scroll up, the album art disappears and only the song title and controls stay on the screen. Kinda like the adressbar in Safari.
Out of 2500 requests, they might take one.
Perhaps you should go get hired at Apple and show them all how design and developing is done. Since you seem to know it all and are superior to all the designers and developers they currently have.
I would not feel happy for this one but hey, this is your comment. I can do nothing for it right? ;)
I clearly know nothing about how design works and I clearly know smartphone market is highly saturated, and design is not the only factor deciding if a phone can sell good.
But the fact that people can vote with their wallet, for whatever reason, will not change in this business world, anytime soon.
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Can we focus on the thread title please? Doesn't matter if Apple want to implement it or not, at least we have our say.

For me, requested features are:
1. Dark mode
2. Environmental stats using equipped sensors (eg predicts rain, air quality, etc)
3. Storage mode
4. Temperature and distance using laser sensor (need proper hardware too)
5. Remote control using IR

What do you think guys?
Can we focus on the thread title please? Doesn't matter if Apple want to implement it or not, at least we have our say.

For me, requested features are:
1. Dark mode
2. Environmental stats using equipped sensors (eg predicts rain, air quality, etc)
3. Storage mode
4. Temperature and distance using laser sensor (need proper hardware too)
5. Remote control using IR

What do you think guys?

Most in your list are hardware things and not iOS related. Talk about focusing on the thread title. :rolleyes:
Haha... you are right. My bad. Maybe Dark Mode should be sufficient for now.

Dark-mode is long overdue as with most things, Apple is severely behind these days. I'm pretty sure there'll be a dark mode with the release of the OLED iPhone next year though. In the meantime, we have to put up with the fugly new white notifications in iOS10 :mad:.
Dark-mode is long overdue as with most things, Apple is severely behind these days. I'm pretty sure there'll be a dark mode with the release of the OLED iPhone next year though. In the meantime, we have to put up with the fugly new white notifications in iOS10 :mad:.

What a terrible world you must live in to have to put up with such a travesty.
What a terrible world you must live in to have to put up with such a travesty.

World I live in has nothing to with the mediocre UI Apple is putting out these days. And in case you are forgetting, you tirelessly defended Apple Music's UI to death, which was universally criticized as confusing and which Apple ended up rewriting entirely now in iOS10.
World I live in has nothing to with the mediocre UI Apple is putting out these days. And in case you are forgetting, you tirelessly defended Apple Music's UI to death, which was universally criticized as confusing and which Apple ended up rewriting entirely now in iOS10.

Oh right. Your world revolves solely around just you, so Apple and every company in the world should just cater to your every wish and desire in what you want ios to be.

Universally criticized? What about those who have posted about wanting the iOS 9 Music app back after they tried and didn't like the iOS 10 redesign? The new redesign is part of the larger picture and over all direction of where iOS design is heading. Music, News, Maps, Widgets, Control Centre and Notifications are where it's going design wise and fully expect more apps and areas in iOS to follow suit in iOS 11 or even possibly in later major updates to iOS 10. Music redesign is more about that than it is "admitting it sucked in iOS 9".

Perhaps you should apply at Apple to be their head UI designer since you know what perfection is. Show all their top developers what's what, because they don't already have some of the best around. :rolleyes:
Universally criticized? What about those who have posted about wanting the iOS 9 Music app back after they tried and didn't like the iOS 10 redesign? The new redesign is part of the larger picture and over all direction of where iOS design is heading. Music, News, Maps, Widgets, Control Centre and Notifications are where it's going design wise and fully expect more apps and areas in iOS to follow suit in iOS 11 or even possibly in later major updates to iOS 10. Music redesign is more about that than it is "admitting it sucked in iOS 9"

Music app was universally criticized as confusing by respectable sites such as ArsTechnica, Wall Street Journal and The Verge etc and a myriad of other sites. That's a fact. And I showed you how navigation was several taps higher and severely more inefficient than before. Interestingly, Apple addressed that with the new design, making each section prominent in the same level: Playlists, Artists, Albums, Genres etc, and 1-2 taps away. No more 5-6 taps. The re-design is more about functionality/organization, not iOS10 'design' as you suggest.

Interestingly the re-design shares similarities with the Spotify re-design, which again, has nothing to do with iOS10 design, but simply function.

Oh right. Your world revolves solely around just you, so Apple and every company in the world should just cater to your every wish and desire in what you want ios to be.

I think I've made a significant effort to justify and defend objectively my criticisms with some of the things Apple is doing UI-wise to not warrant this judgement from you.
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