Ok, that makes a little more sense. But still how often does someone (and I mean the overall general public and not you specifically) really need to skip, pause, reverse while they are tinkering with Up Next? Generally if you're down in the Up Next it's to rearrange the order or to see what is coming up.
Also leaving the controls takes away space that can be used by the Up Next list. Not a huge deal on say an iPad or iPhone Plus and to some degree the 4.7" iPhone, but the 5, 5c, 5s and SE would suffer a lot from that and have to scroll even more to view the list and move down it. And we all know how grumpy people around here get when you have to scroll a little extra (or extra swipe once and a while like on the new CC)
Having said all that though. To answer your initial post. By all means send in enhancement feedback, but I wouldn't hold your breath or actually expect a whole lot to come from it. Look how long many people have been sending feedback for an actual dark mode. A few years at least and that still hasn't happened.