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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 7, 2023
yes, this is not my first time that I ask for feedbacks "for free". My application was born closed source, then, due to its necessity of Screen Recording to work, I choose to make it open source for transparency reason. And, if possible, also to create a collaboration with other users.

My app is 1+1/2 years old but its community is still very weak. Its GitHub repository is only two week old. It is a UI extender for macOS, allows you to access to the "over screen" for rapid tasks, mainly switching between main used running apps.

At this moment there are several bugs, mainly in the widgets zone (the top side), but even if in the repository is fixed, the current version on the App Store has still a bug that sometime blocks the opening of the overscreen (and to fix it you have to restart the application, sigh), because it is thinking that you are switching space (virtual desktop). I'm a messy programmer, but the reason because I'm slow is that without support is difficult to develop it, and I'm often demotivated, seen that I cannot "eat with it". The application is more complex than it seems.

A cool implementation of the last release is the haptic feeling, that gives satisfaction in its use. I write that because, obviously, in the video this is not visible.

I'm not a designer, and I make a lot of errors while writing english. That doesn't help its presentation. And often there are some tests that I don't do because I have no time to delete everything and reinstall it from scratch.

I activated the notifications so I shouldn't lost possible replies. Don't be evil, please, I know that there are a lot of issues, but I think it's an innovative approach to the user interface and I'm its first user: when you have the habit to use it, you can’t give it up.

This is the link to the GitHub repo, where you can clone the source code and edit it as you want:
Anyway, the app is for free on the App Store if you want to try it. This is not the point of the thread, is pure gold a feedback just seeing the video.

The reason because the repo says that Swift is a very small part of the code is because of all libraries and templates used for the Widgets Zone, written using a WebKit view. This because I would, in the future, support widgets from external applications.

Also its name is a code name that is evidently wrong as official name. But the problem is that time ago I paid for advertising this name, and at this point I cannot change the "MakeItHome" part. But in the App Store, I can change the "- Screen extender" in something else.

Thank you for your time.
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