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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Aug 23, 2008
Somewhere in Florida
feedHopper 2.1 is now available in the iPad app store. It features new podcast features including offline playback, multitouch gestures, and more.

Reading landscape (to hide the article list you can double-tap for widescreen view or press the widescreen button on the toolbar)

Snagging an NPR Science Friday podcast for offline playback:

iTunes link
feedHopper RSS Reader for iPad

User guide and faq:

Forum for any pre-sales questions or general support:

Advanced features:
* Google reader sync (optional)
* Folders (categories)
* Full widescreen view
* Very fast, supporting hundreds of feeds and thousands of articles (if you so desired)
* Twitter integration
* Creates full text articles for feeds that only provide summaries (optional)
* Creates thumbnails for articles that do not provide them (optional)
* Internet feed search
* Article vault
* Podcast support
* Support for authenticated feeds
* Parental controls for locking out select feeds, actions (such as in-app email, tweeting), etc.
I've been keeping an eye on this one as it does look very nice. However, I've had bad luck with buying unreviewed apps, so I'm waiting for some feedback to roll in. Good luck to you, though.
I am yet to buy a RSS reader for my iPad. This looks to be a nice app. Are there any promo codes to check it out and review it?
feedHopper is now available in the iPad app store. I won't babble on about it as I'll just come across as a proud parent but we are very pleased with how it turned out and hope that if you are looking for an RSS reader you take a look!

iTunes link
feedHopper RSS Reader for iPad

User guide and faq:

Forum for any pre-sales questions or general support:


Are there any plans to offer syncing (of some sort anyway) with Google Reader? I am in dire need of a RSS Reader for the iPad but it must sync with Google.


Are there any plans to offer syncing (of some sort anyway) with Google Reader? I am in dire need of a RSS Reader for the iPad but it must sync with Google.


Its on the list, but not currently there. You can import from google reader (and export from feedHopper to google), but not live syncing.

Just not something we had time to do before the launch. Sorry :)

Has anyone used this app? Seems nice but lacks reviews.

Hi Jessica.

Sorry can't help you with the lack of reviews, but if you or anyone out there would be willing to provide us some feedback (not through the app store but to us directly) on what you like and don't like about the app I would gladly provide a promo code.

Just PM me if you would be willing to do that and Ill send over a code. Note that I will try to PM as soon as I can but give me up to a day :)

Ahh lets see anything else... 1.1 update is pending apple approval. It adds Google Sync and fixes several bugs.

I'm waiting to for a good rss-reader for the ipad too. It seems that most appmakers are still asleep?

Is there a lite testversion before I dig in again? Or is a promocode possible?

Esp if 1.1 has google sync, this could be a winner.

(I don't see anything mentioning offline browsing or support for 3rd party services like readitlater, dig and such?)
I used thisd app for a couple of days and left a review at Appstore last week. I am not able to pull up this app in Appstore now (Searching from iPhone Appstore). Is this app not available now?
You will find the app here (US iTunes)

I actually imported my RSS file from google reader. Of course I had to download it then upload it to my own site and download it from there, but it was fairly easy to do.

So far the app is not bad but I just wish I could see the headline then perhaps the next page had the headline, a few more lines of the article then of course the link to the actual article. Right now it's just a headline, a line of text then the link. This could be the site's RSS feed and not Feedhopper.

So far I'm enjoying it but I have to admit The Early Edition (which seems to be priced higher and is missing some key features) is prettier. I'm just silly like that. It'd be real cool if the articles could look like newspapers.

Anyway I am still testing. I need to turn off wifi and see what happens to my feeds.
1.2 was just released in the store today. It adds the creation of full text articles for feeds that do not provide them. You want to use this feature sparingly as it does add a second or two overhead per article during a refresh.

So for example, macrumors is a perfect candidate for this. They post only a handful of articles a day and the RSS content is very limited. Edit the settings for this feed and select the new "RSS Content" option. Here, turn on the "full articles" option.

1.1 added google sync. You can share, star, and 'like' articles directly within the app. Reading articles will mark them as read in your google account (if the network is available of course).


There's a review at

They also have free voucher codes to giveaway by answering a question

I've tried a number of RSS readers for my iPad (paid unfortunately!) and it seems a lot of the developers are trying to cram all sorts of stuff into them and they end up being a pain to use. I would definitely recommend feedhopper, it works well. I did have to buy about 7 of them before settling on this one!
1.4 now has folders / categories.

You can create your own categories and associate your choice of icon (default being a folder of course). You may associate a feed, web page, twitter user with any number of categories.

Categories can be refreshed independently so you do not have to refresh all feed content if you do not wish to.

2.0 update now in app store

Huge update with substantial improvements. In addition, lots of feedback was incorporated, such as wide-screen reading (hide the navigation area), spaces between toolbar buttons, and more.

We listen to you. If you don't like something send an email to support using the form embedded within the app, or use the support forum.
2.1 is now out. Thanks for the suggestions.

> New podcast features, including offline playback
> Multitouch gestures for article navigation
> New Wizards feature for advanced users
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