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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 17, 2008
I know there are a lot of threads that answer a few of my questions but I cant find the other ones. So heres my situation. Im not very happy with how the 2.1 firmware is working out, it still seems really laggy and beta almost. Since I know that the 2.2 firmware might come out soon in the future. Would it be a good idea to wait for the better firmware or jailbreak it now? Can someone give me the main features of jailbreaking. Will it slow down my phone a lot? Whats the best site to find third party apps? Will I be able to put games I get from torrents on my iphone (i.e. monkey ball). and I guess the last question, which jailbreaking software is the safest for a pretty big noob like me?
QuickPwn. I'd jailbreak now, you got nothing to lose, you can always update to 2.2, posting torrents on here isn't allowed. can customize every last part of the phone to whatever you want..cept landscape txting :mad:
thanks fireshot. I didnt mean to say I was posting torrents, if I got a game from an unnamed source, How would I put it onto my iphone using jailbreak?

are there any trusted sites out there for third party apps?
Truthfully I don't know any sites for apps..well I do, but I don't remember them lol. and you'll have to install OpenSSH for the iPhone then iPhone Tunnel Suite for the computer(PC or Mac, don't think it matters) and SSH into the phone
can someone clarify what springboard and winterboard are? and whats the deal with installers and cynia?
Springboard-your screen(home screen)

Winterboard- a ON/OFF switch for your themes.


Cydia-where you get themes/utilites and other junk that you honestly don't need but its awesome to have :D
alright well thanks a lot. I took the plunge and am enjoying it so far.
Can anyone explain to me how to use the music on my ipod as ringtones?
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