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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Jan 1, 2009
I am trying to help my cousin JB and unlock his iphone. I am not sure if his iphone is 1g or 2g. Any idea?

I read the dev's site and it states that "redsn0w is an easy to use, multi-platform, multi-device jailbreaking and unlocking (iPhone 2G only) tool for the iPhone 2G (original iPhone), the iPhone 3G (but not the 3GS) and also the iPod touch (first and second generation)."

So it works for 2G but not 1G? I thought we need to wait for ultrasnow for the unlock?

It also states "GOLDEN RULE: If you are using a 3G iPhone with yellowsn0w and rely on yellowsn0w to obtain cellular service, then you should NOT use redsn0w right now. Ultrasn0w (the 3G carrier unlock) is not included with this release and therefore your baseband will be locked and unable to use an operator other than the official one it was bought for. UltraSn0w will be released via APT (cydia and icy) soon. If you have an original iPhone (1st generation) then 3.0 carrier unlock works with this redsn0w release."

What is 3.0 carrier unlock? Is it a software to unlock?
1G and 2G are the same thing: The first-generation iPhone connects to second-generation (GSM) networks.
1G and 2G are the same thing: The first-generation iPhone connects to second-generation (GSM) networks.

Thanks for making things clear.

Do you know if i would be able to unlock 1g/2g? My cousin is still using 1.1.2 firmware cause he is afraid of bricking his iphone.
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