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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Feb 7, 2009
I thought I could drop some files into my ipad via wifi but I was wrong...

After some research I find out that I have to plug the ipad and use itunes, or use dropbox...

None of those solutions sounds good to me.

So how do you guys do it?
I use iFile create a folder in /var/mobile/Media/DCIM and also to place symbolic links to it into the app folders which support local file storage with directories.

Then I use WinSCP on my PC to sync the folder above with my network share which is mapped to a local drive.


Until some sort of file management is built into the OS, this is the only way I know of to share files between apps and/or the PC somewhat intelligently.
I'm fairly certain you can do this with goodreader, assuming both devices are connected to the same WiFi network. I've even swapped files between iPhone and iPad using goodreader.
Well the thing with droobox is that you need to install a software to share files and that the files do have to upload to the server.

If you go to some friends and want to share some files with him good reader seems the best option.

I didnt know good reader! Thank you guys!

I know more options will come in the future... Maybe even from Apple... But isnt it weird to use a pdf reader to transfer files?

Sometimes I really dont understand apple's decisions. I even read somewhere that file sharing was available in the ipad on previous versions of the os...
Btw I just found two more apps for file sharing: air sharing and drop copy

Anyone has used those?
I use AirSharing alot. both on my iPhone and iPad. I also use Good Reader.

Both you can transfer files via wifi on/off the device to/from a PC/Mac, a webserver such as iDisk, you can mount to email inbox to open attachements directly.

If your phone and iPad are on the same network you can share files between the two devices (even between different Apps)

You can also "send" the files to other Apps such as printing Apps or to Pages etc or email them.

There are LOTS of ways to manage documents on the ipad.
I second air sharing but the problem is that you cannot access those files using other apps on your iOS device. I wish Apple permitted some kind of universal "drop box" that can be accessed by any app.
Several apps do wifi file transfer, including Goodreader, which is probably your best bet for storing files at present.

This functionality really ought to be standardized by Apple, and all apps should be able to "Open In...".
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