derajfast said:
no its legal.....i download a lot of concerts (a la grateful dead) who promote this file sharing really so it is legal.......if i do file sharing with itunes like you suggested......can my friend who isnt on my network access it though?
In previous versions, iTunes temporarily allowed sharing across the Internet (to anybody you gave your address to), but they had to disable that because of protests from the music industry. So even free tracks can't be shared that way with iTunes, since it doesn't distinguish among the various types of songs you have - iTunes-purchased, ripped from CDs, purchased elsewhere online, or downloaded and free.
If you have a .mac account, you can use it to set up a list of files for sharing (and to display your photos or movies as well). Finally, if you keep track of the URLs from which you download free music, you can always share those URLs with others instead of the music files themselves.
It's not what you asked about, but since you are talking about how iChat and iTunes interact, I'll mention that if you set your iChat status message dropdown list to "Current iTunes Track" then others will see (as your status) the name of whatever track you are currently playing in iTunes.